Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

@Frshmn: Did she get accepted to any Cal states? Waitlists not included.

No she only applied to CP

Also when CP first put her on the waitlist she did not opt to be redirected.

@Frshmn: I believe the CSU’s redirect automatically after a certain date.

Ah. Thank you. So I guess we can move forward w our lives now and assume she was denied? Wish they would update that in her portal ?

@Frshmn: Being redirected does not mean she is denied just not accepted at the moment from the waitlist. I personally would move on but there could be spots opening up throughout the summer so there is still a chance. I think many schools are going to keep the waitlist open up until the last possible moment since things are changing constantly.

@Gumbymom, can you elaborate? If someone is accepted at another state school will that impact CP’s decision to accept a student currently on the WL? My son is a transfer student but we are trying to follow the WL process and better understand it.

@CalifGal: Elaborate on redirection? Being accepted at any Cal state and waitlisted at another will have no impact on a students chances of getting off the waitlist.

Redirection occurs after all campuses report their admission decisions for a given semester to Cal State Apply. For fall admission, this will be after April but that deadline was extended due to Covid. Eligible applicants Freshman and Transfer who have not been admitted to any CSU campus(es) to which they applied are redirected. This does not include waitlists so in the above situation, OP’s daughter only applied to SLO, was waitlisted so did not get an CSU acceptance so their application was redirected.

@Gumbymom, What if a student has already accepted to another state school? Will this impact CP’s decision? Now that freshman deadlines have been met & extended will CP address transfers students WL? We have not heard of any transfers getting off the WL.

@CalifGal: Being accepted at another state school will not impact SLO’s waitlist decision. I am sure they will start taking transfers off the waitlist shortly if any spots are available.

I would follow this discussion:

For the sake of future applicants (ESPECIALLY those entering middle school), this is definitely one of the “tricks” that students miss. I often discuss this aspect with my students. I find that most of them only look at the expectations in a general sense when they get to high school and just follow the UC recommended class load. However, Cal Poly has A-G expectations that often exceed what a student can reasonably take during high school.

All California public universities (CSU and UC system) require a minimum of 15 “Academic Years” of A-G curriculum. Most UC’s recommend 18 AY of A-G curriculum. Cal Poly expects 21-23 AY (Section C5 of Common Data Set).

Put that in perspective. A high school on a “Traditional Schedule” has six classes a day for the school year and students attend high school for four years. That’s 24 “Academic Years.” Now subtract all required non A-G classes (P.E., Health, Driver’s Ed., etc.). That leaves a conscientious student about 21 or so AY, which is the BOTTOM of the Cal Poly expectation.

Additionally, in breaking down the expectations, Cal Poly wants 4-5 years of Math and English, 4 years of Science, and 4 years of a World Language. That’s 18 AY leaving only three remaining to get all of the Social Science, History, and Academic Electives in. But that’s not enough room for World History, Us History, Government/Econ, and AP Psychology. Band all four years? Athletic P.E.? Yearbook/Journalism? Yikes.

OBVIOUSLY students get this all done because not everyone is on a traditional schedule, there are early flight and Summer School classes, and many, many students start high school classes in middle school. Most don’t take 5 years of English, so that buys them a year of wiggle room.

The takeaway from this, from what I have seen from my own students, is that a chunk of high stats students aren’t as well rounded according to the Cal Poly expectations. They started acquiring valuable AY too late. They have over-emphasized or ignored one category of their academics. They focused on the minimum rather than the maximum.

In the Fall, I will have two children enrolled at Cal Poly. They started Math and World Language classes in middle school and attended high school with 4x4 Block Scheduling. Each of them had 25 AY by the time they graduated high school. I think that was a big factor in their acceptances.

Wow. She got off the waitlist yesterday.

@Frshmn Yay! Congratulations.

Thank you @Gatormaam ! Unfortunately this is a bit bittersweet as my daughter has emotionally invested herself at university of Arizona due to the waitlist process and not really thinking she had a chance at Slo after the first round of waitlist. The redirection email from SF really solidified for her that she did not get in just to get in a day later. For me this is a no brainer decision due to cost and Slo being the “better” school so I am going to give her a day or so to sit on everything and decide ?

If I were in your shoes, I would simply tell my kid that Cal Poly SLO is a better school and a less expensive.

If the kid still wanted to go to Arizona, tell them that they can pay for extra cost.

@AMCdad, you nailed it with your #1870 post! You detailed the CP-SLO application nuances and your post is excellent guidance for future applicants. Extra guac for you my friend!

@Frshmn so great! What major?

Thank you @Indecisive944 ! We took a drive to Slo today and she committed when we got home. Major is Biology…

@JandTsDad thanks for your input. I wanted my kid to come to her own conclusion and decision before I strong armed her into one.

I hope to see you at the farmer’s market on Thursday night. I’ll buy you a couple drinks at Bull’s.