Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

Hi guys, I accepted my offer today, but I didn’t see any button to pay the initial deposit?

Check again tomorrow.

Hello All,
I just joined this thread and I am extremely grateful for the comments/feedback particularly the previous post (long but very educational and informative).
My son is on the waitlist. He received an email on 6/15 at around 9ish pm asking if he still wants to be on the waitlist. He responded YES immediately. We are still waiting for any update. Is anyone on the same boat with my son? If so, have you heard anything yet? His major is BME.
Cal Poly is his top choice. He got accepted to UCSD, UC Davis and University of Florida.
Thank you in advance for your feedback/comment.

congratulations to everyone that have been accepted!

@KingVG7 Congrats!! There’s no enrollment deposit, but there are fees for room and board once you fill out that application :slight_smile:

I would guess that there are several thousand people in the same boat.

I would guess that there are several thousand people in the same boat

Thank you for your response. I apologize I was not clear of my question. I know it is impossible to know but I wonder if anyone here in this thread has the same experience. If so, have you heard anything whether it be accepted or denied.

@Miles2020 I’ll try to answer your question as best as I can. My son received the same email so I’m assuming that since his portal hasn’t changed, he is still on the waiting list. I do not know/haven’t heard of anyone who is on the waiting list and didn’t respond to the email (or responded no) so I can’t tell you if Cal Poly will update the portal of the “non-affirmative” responses.
My son’s chances of getting into his major (Software Engineering) are very small because the major has only targeted 30 new freshman undergraduates. He is proceeding with registrations, placement tests, etc. as if he is enrolling at UC Davis (computer science). If he was admitted off the wait list at Cal Poly, he will then evaluate the offer based upon the available information at the time of the offer.
The key is “the available information at the time of the offer”. My son accepted his UC Davis offer with the assumption that he will get to live on campus, join the running club (or try out for the D1 XC/track team), join other clubs and that some to most of his classes will be online which to the best of my knowledge is still the case. He can’t predict what housing, sports, clubs etc. will be like in the next day, week, month or when both UC Davis and Cal Poly start the fall quarter.

As time has passed, we’ve (fellow posters on this website) seen weakened to outright changes of plans by some of the In-State/CA schools such as:
-CSUF announced early that all classes will be on-line
-UCR and UCSC stated they couldn’t guarantee housing (before May 1st)
-Division II CSU schools (including Cal Poly Pomona) announced that the CCAA has suspended fall sports
-Recently, UCSC has stated: “We ask that all first-year students consider postponing their move onto campus until we are able to accommodate a higher density in housing. The college core course as well as most lower division coursework will be offered remotely, thereby enabling all first-year students to begin their studies at home.”
-UCLA has given Pell Grant recipients first choice at housing and has stated that other incoming Freshman may be offered one quarter living on campus.
-Many schools (including UCB and SDSU) are giving on campus housing priority (among incoming freshman) to recruited athletes
These weakened or changed positions by the CA schools with more changes being announced in the future may lead to some students withdrawing their acceptance of enrollment either directly or indirectly (by not completing required placement testing, not paying housing deposit, etc.).
On the positive side, schools have announced decisions which are in line with a more traditional college experience. These actions can be assumed to prevent covid-19 outbreaks for a campus with some to all students on site.
-Notre Dame (and perhaps others) pushed the fall semester forward so that the semester ends before Thanksgiving, thereby eliminating breaks where students come back from home/break and bring back covid-19
-UCB and others are requiring all classes to finish the in-person/on-campus portion before Thanksgiving Break

So what does all of this mean? Your son should proceed with his latest “Statement of Intent to Register” (SIR) school as if that is where he will be in the fall. Your son should understand that his year (college graduating class of 2024) is unique because:
-schools are holding on to wait list applicants longer than normal due to uncertainty of a larger than expected summer melt (students who SIR but do not register in the fall)
-due to travel restrictions, international students may decide to re-apply next year
-domestic students are considering enrolling in junior college (to do on-line classes at a significantly reduced tuition cost) and transferring their junior year
-your son may get into (or has already been accepted to) a school that will be much tougher to get into if he reapplies next year or goes the junior college transfer route

Thank you so much for the meaningful and insightful feedback. I truly appreciate it.

Yes, there are several people that reported they were asked if they wanted to remain on the waitlist after June 15, and subsequently were admitted in the past few days.

@Miles2020 What school is your son attending (as of today) in the fall?

Thank you for the information.

My son submitted his SIR to UF.
Btw, I visited Cal Poly website and got a number that can be used to text (instead of calling them) them for any questions. I am impressed with the timeliness in responding. I asked the timeline and I was advised that they are evaluating weekly and informing students ASAP. They are hopeful that decisions will be made by 7/15.

Thank you so much! This gives us hope. St. Anthony, pray for us ?

@Miles2020 my daughter just got off the waitlist this past Friday. Don’t give up hope (;

Also @Miles2020 she has been looking for a roommate on the student Facebook and Instagram page and it sounded like there were quite a few people that were also looking due to just getting off the waitlist so it sounds like there is def movement. Good luck to your son!

Congratulations to your daughter and the proud Mom ?
Thank you for the encouragement and prayers ?

@Miles2020 my son in the same boat. Waitlist extended on 6/15 for Kinesiology - he has committed to UCSB, also got into UC Davis. Still waitlisted at Michigan, too. Truly a crazy year… good luck to all, still holding out for good news just for closure if nothing else! We are in SoCal so readjusting not all that complicated, it is the not knowing that is so frustrating. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your response. Yes, I do hear your sentiments. Let’s continue to pray and keep our hopes. I am hoping and praying to keep my son locally since he rejected UC San Diego and UC Davis and committed to UF. Cal Poly is his dream school since Sophomore year. He fell in love with the university and surrounding areas after we visited it ??

Anyone know how to get an official (signed/stamped) acceptance letter out of Cal Poly? As far as I can see, no letter was automatically posted in the student portal as is the norm with most universities – not sure if that’s just me though?
I’ve been constantly emailing/phoning various university departments (admissions, records, registrar, international services, etc. etc.) since April now and nothing has happened; each department says another one is responsible and no one does anything.
I’m an international student, and with the world lockdown I’m sure there must be SOME WAY to get the university to simply email a pdf acceptance letter out.