Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision


Do you have any information? In state or out of state? GPA?

It was in the first wave in early April I believe. In-State San Francisco. Female. Idk her gpa but she had near straight Aā€™s but she didnā€™t take hard classes

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Could someone explain why waitlist acceptances are going to be lower than other years? I thought that since slo put a lot of people on the waitlist, a lot of people would get off and that it would move pretty quickly.

Itā€™s all about who says ā€œyes.ā€ The school has no way of knowing so has to prepare for the worst case scenario. There are plenty of examples of schools over the years with thousands on the waitlist, that accept fewer than 10. It can be really random.

It is interesting when everyone thought they would go deep into wait lists this year but instead it seems pretty stagnant across the board.


It kind of makes sense because last year a lot of people took gap year because of the pandemic which meant a lot of waitlisted folks got in. This year those people who took gap year are applying, significantly increasing the number of qualified candidates.


I finally feel like I have begun to understand what might be happening in regard to waitlists. Its been frustrating; we are near the end of May. If the class is full why not tell the waitlisted kids? Here is my theory:

Substantial waitlists exist at most if not all of the more selective schools, especially in CA. In any admissions cycle the top students are vying for spaces at UCB, USC, UCLA, UCI, UCSD, Stanford, Davis, Cal Poly etc. Depending on location many of these schools have been limited by a few factors; the desire/need to guarantee housing to incoming freshman versus current pandemic related restrictions that limit how many kids per room/sf etc. In other words, can they have doubles? triples? etc. This has left many schools in a position of not knowing how many kids they could offer in this class. Additionally, schools have not wanted to close their waitlists because if students who have already committed weā€™re to decommit as spaces opened at other schools they would still need to go to those waitlists to fill their class.

With recent decisions from county/city health agencies throughout the State we are seeing a bit of movement on those waitlists from the UCs. UCLA appears to have a small waitlist wave, UCSB etc in recent days.

This may amount to nothing but I also wouldnā€™t be surprised if we did ultimately start to see a few waitlist offers in late May-June at Cal Poly. I suspect many kids have emotionality moved on at this point but it will be interesting to see if there is more movement late in the game on these waitlists.


It could be that, but waitlists in general offer a sense of false hope in non-pandemic situations. You can look up section C2 of the Common Data Set of any school to see how many were offered and how many were admitted. I pulled up the CDS for Cal Poly and Stanford in 2015. Stanford offered 1200ish waitlist spots and didnā€™t admit any. Cal Poly offered 1600ish and admitted 67. Last year was VERY atypical for most schools. For example, Stanford admitted 25% of their waitlist and Cal Poly admitted 50% of theirs. No telling where this could land this year. Fingers crossed!


Did that happen fairly quickly or in late May-June?

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The common data sets show that waitlists have varied pretty dramatically from year to year. Last year was certainly an outlier. Based on prior years threads, waitlist decisions have been provided by the end of May with a few coming later in June and rarely July.

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Has Cal Poly not sent out any waitlist decisions past May 1st? I thought there would be some news by now

Nope, none that have been shared here since early April. I may have seen one on Reddit several weeks ago

Yeah I really thought there would have been something today. Iā€™ve lost all hope for UCSC and Cal Poly

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My son was waitlisted in 2019 for honors. Because he was waitlisted, he was able to get Yakatutu housing. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s still the case.

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Has anyone heard back from the waitlist recently? This is not looking too good :frowning:

nothing here. Hoping there is some news after June 1?

Nothing here either. Iā€™ve gone from checking the portal a few times a day to a few times a week haha


For the math placement username is that just our cal poly email?

I guess Cal Poly just isnā€™t using waitlists then :pensive: