Cal poly slo fall 2017 transfer thread

Greetings prospective Mustangs!

Last year’s thread was started around this time and it looked like it helped a lot to get an early start on thinking about what was needed to be done for applying to Cal Poly SLO. Start any discussion you would like or put up any questions you may have about transferring to Cal Poly. Posting links to other threads, stats from previous years, and any thoughts that can help would be great. Good luck to all!

Feel free to post your own stats here:

Current College:
IGETC: (completed- “yes” or “no” with explanation)
Major Prep: (completed- “yes” or “no” with explanation)
ECs: (i.e. volunteer work,sports, clubs, jobs, etc.)
In-State, Out-of-State:

Major: Computer Engineering
Current College: Chaffey College
GE: GSUGE or IGETC in SP17. 3 of the G4 are completed already, critical thinking in SP17.
Major Prep: Most are completed already, all required+desired will be by end of SP17.
GPA: 3.83 (3.92 if I can omit upper-division unrelated-major courses from an OOS uni from the GPA)
Units: 181 semester units by end of SP17, including the above-mentioned courses (no degree completed)
ECs: 11-15 hrs work, >25% major related if math/physics tutoring counts, 1-5 hrs activities, leadership
In-State: yes

Why do most of us here list the specifics of our ECs, when CPSLO only looks at the hour count?

Does anyone see any red flags in my info? How likely do you think it is that I’ll be accepted?

I’m aware that I can only count 70 of my 181 pre-transfer semester units toward CPSLO’s minimum unit count required to graduate, but these courses I’ve completed should still be useful for gaining admittance and meeting course pre-reqs. I just may need to take more electives to fill up the 192 minimum quarter units for graduation.

Do I understand this correctly?

Major: Computer Science
Current College: Bakersfield College
IGETC: Will be completed by the end of current semester
Major Prep: Completed, but will also take an extra major course to earn an AS-T
GPA: All Courses 3.90, transferable courses only, 3.93
ECs: 26+ hours of work per week, volunteer tutoring for major courses about 4 hours a week.

Btw, Due to a family emergency, I was unable to pass one of my major courses last year and received an F. however, I retook the course and got an A, and the previous grade was disregarded in the calculation of my GPA. Does anyone know if that would impact my chances of admission?

@lankysequoia Yes, I believe that’s how it works. You get to only transfer 70 semester units, but if you have taken more, you get what is known as “Subject Credit”, Which basically just means the credits you have earned will not transfer to your chosen university. But the fact that you took the course will be acknowledged and you won’t have to take it again to satisfy a certain requirement or prerequisite. However, you might have to take some extra classes to reach the minimum units limit to earn your desired degree. Just like you said

Ahh I was so anxious for this to start

Major: Journalism
Current College: Los Angeles Pierce College
IGETC: not yet but will be complete by the end of spring 2017
Major Prep: all but one desired class (out of two) will be complete by the end of spring 2017
GPA: 3.81
ECs: 20 hours of work a week, some volunteer work, part of some clubs
In state: yes

Can anyone tell me my chances of getting in?

Good luck to everyone applying!!

Major: Computer Science
Current College: Orange Coast College
IGETC: will complete by spring 2017
Major Prep: all but 2 required classes will be complete
GPA: 3.88
ECs: ~20 hours of work a week, Programming club, volunteer work, held positions of leadership in high school (class of 2015)
In State: yes

I was wondering if it was at all possible that I could still get in to SLO even though I’m missing 2 required major classes (calc III and physics III). Is it at all possible to be accepted conditionally?

@codecruncher: all acceptances are “conditional” meaning you need to fulfill the requirements such as completing the classes self-reported on your application with a passing grade. If those classes (calculus III and physics 111) are listed as “required” then you need to complete them by Spring 2017.

Major: Agriculture Business
Current College: Allan Hancock and Cuesta College ( both local community colleges to cal poly)
IGETC: almost all done but will be completed by end of spring 2017
Major Prep: almost all done also but will be completed by end of spring 2017
GPA: 3.67
ECs: work 20 hours a week, volunteer work at beaches
In-State, Out-of-State: in state

Major: Economics
Current College: Moorpark community college
IGETC: done
MAJOR PREP: just 2 classes to go. will be completed spring 2017
EC: BSA club, work as caregiver 14 hours a week, volunteer at local temple and related events,

I’m also doing the AS-T in both Business admin and Econ. What might my chances be for getting into this school?

@jmatharu23: A GPA under 3.0 is going to be a tough admit. Make sure you have several backup schools on your list.

To make myself more competitive in the selection process, would it be better to complete the IGETC? Meaning would it be more points. Or does completing the CSU GE’s make me just as competitive?

CSU GE and IGETC won’t make you competitive at Cal Poly SLO. They don’t care if you have them completed, I’ve called them recently about it. I’m a prospective Cal Poly SLO transfer for 2018. Trying to get ahead so I can transfer for Mechanical Engineering!

Major: Kinesiology (Exercise Science)
Current College: Orange Coast College, but I have completed a fair amount of work at Santa Ana College and a few classes at Golden West College, Santiago Canyon College, and Fullerton College (I went to so many because I wanted the most classes done and accepted!)
IGETC: Done (:
Major Prep: Everything except Physics, which I’m currently taking
GPA: 3.70-3.80
ECs: (i.e. volunteer work,sports, clubs, jobs, etc.) I played softball for two years at a community college, I’m currently interning at a physical therapy clinic for 7-12 hours a week, and I’m also a Human Anatomy Teaching Assistant which amounts to 6 hours a week.
In-State, Out-of-State: In state (So Cal)

This will be my second time applying to SLO! Last semester I applied without taking Anatomy or Physiology, so I think that was a major reason why I did not get in. SLO is my absolute number one, and I’m hoping this time around I’ll be more qualified to be accepted. Crossing my fingers for myself and all of us (:

Major: Business Admin - Information systems
Current College: MtSAC
IGETC: No; just need 3 more classes though. Most likely will be completed before admitting final transcript.
Major Prep: Will be completed before admitting final transcript at the end of Spring 2017.
GPA: currently 3.72 (will go up after current semester and so on)
ECs: Currently working 20 ~30 hours per week (major related work); had 2 other previous jobs in the past 2 years.
1 internship at a non-profit organization as an administrative assistant.
Volunteered as a caregiver, student tutor at a elementary school, sales associate, and babysitter - all in the past 6 years.

In-State: LA area

This is my first time applying for any transfer and am really nervous. >.< Does anyone know what they look for? Any ways to increase your chance of getting in? (It may be too late to ask this now since we have to submit the application by the end of November, but it’s still always good to know) Thank you ~ :slight_smile:

Major: Economics
Current College: Sierra College
IGETC: Will be done by spring 2017.
Major prep: will be done by spring 2017
GPA: currently 3.2-3.3
ECs: Business Club. Football coach. Work 20 hours per week.
In state

Major: Mathematics
Current College: Irvine Valley College
IGETC: (completed- “yes” or “no” with explanation) Nope, took too much science and math courses so I don’t have time to finish my IGETC.
Major Prep: (completed- “yes” or “no” with explanation) Will finish all math courses by spring 2017, except physics
GPA: 3.66
ECs: (i.e. volunteer work,sports, clubs, jobs, etc.) Used to compete as an amateur boxer.
In-State, Out-of-State: In state

Major: Business Administration
Current College: De Anza College
IGETC: Will be completed by spring 2017
Major Prep: All finished except for accounting 1C which I’m currently taking this fall and calculus which will be finished winter quarter!
GPA: Overall GPA 3.72 and Cal Poly Major GPA of 3.5 (Not including my in progress ACCT Course&Calculus)
ECs: I’ve been interning as a marketing manager/director, roughly 20hrs a week since summer. Previously worked part time in retail.
In-State, Out-of-State: In State

Cal Poly is definitely one of my tops so I’m really nervous. Good luck to everyone in this thread :slight_smile:

Does anybody know if Cal Poly looks at your overall transferrable GPA (which includes major&igetc courses) or do they calculate a gpa for you solely based off of their required major courses you can find on On the application they ask for transferrable so I’m assuming that’s what they’ll count. Thanks :slight_smile:

Major: Electrical Engineering
Current College: CSU-Bakersfield
IGETC: (completed- “yes” or “no” with explanation) almost completed, majority done and should be finished next semester spring 2017
Major Prep: (completed- “yes” or “no” with explanation): mostly completed, should be done hopefully by next semester
GPA:3.46 ( should increase as im doing well this semester)
ECs: (i.e. volunteer work,sports, clubs, jobs, etc.) working non major related 25+ hours a week, tutor foreign student in highschool in math and english
In-State, Out-of-State: in state