Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

Major: History
Current College: Foothill College
Major Prep: Done in Spring 2018
GPA: 3.9
ECs: Volunteer 6-10hrs/wk
In-State: Bay Area

@demetra from looking at pasts threads there doesn’t seem to be a correlation between amount of EC’s and who gets admitted, plus the supplemental app is extremely vague on EC’s so I’m guessing they’re not one of the most important factors? It seems like what matters most to Cal Poly is how much major related coursework you’re able to complete.

Major: Psychology
Current College: Folsom Lake College
Major prep: All is done, just finishing up Political Science and other GE to fill for graduation.
GPA: 3.44
EC’s: Work 15+ hrs/week & Volunteering, also apart of Student Activities Club on campus, holding a position in the club.
In-state: El Dorado County

Can anyone give me some information of the chances of getting in? Poly is definitely my number 1, and the suspense is killing me lol

Ah I feel like yesterday I was on these threads in suspense. For those of you who don’t know I on last years thread and was accepted. I turned down Cal Poly in favor of CSUN (Accountancy major). While CSUN isn’t bad I kind of wish I went here instead (more adventurous maybe). Good luck to all of you.

Thanks for sharing Schneybley!! Could you share your info of what you had at the time of transferring? What do you think about my post?

I had a 3.7 GPA. The only courses still needed to be complete at the time of my application was macroeconomics, financial accounting and managerial accounting. Have served in the Marine Corps reserves. You seem like a strong candidate. I think the main reason why I turned down SLO is that the town was too small and isolated, and I hate the drive out there. For those of you who do get accepted I recommend going to the admitted students event. Not going to that was my biggest regret.

Gotcha. Thank you for the feedback and I wish you nothing but greatness in your future endeavors! I’ll take note of all you said. I appreciate it.

Major: English
Current College: Cabrillo College
IGETC: Will be done by Spring 2018
Major Prep: Hoping to be done by spring 2018 but the last class I need already has a waitlist and issues with the college (which is not my main college, it’s across the state but the class is online) are prohibiting me from registering for it :frowning:
GPA: 3.6 but I’m hoping to raise it.
ECs: I have a job, I’m on the school’s tennis team and I’m part of our school’s dance concerts.
In-State, Out-of-State: In state, Santa Cruz

Golden 4 are completed.

I’m terrified that I won’t get in to that class I need because it’s major prep, that would most likely kill my chances right? Cal poly is my #1 option so I hope it works out. Good luck to everyone!

I have no idea what the chances are for you, as I am a fellow transfer student, but I from what I’ve read they really want your major classes done for at the time of transfer. It seems very important to them. Obviously GPA as well, which I would say yours is awesome! But again, I don’t really have an idea of the chances. I’m searching for my chances as well since Poly is my #1… best of luck to you.

@schneybley I’m near CSUN too and can understand why you may have chosen that over CP. What happens at the admitted students event that you feel you missed out on? Also, is it difficult to feel connected at CSUN? I know it’s a huge commuter school.

@liloandstitch Thanks for lmk. I checked older threads just now and def. agree with you. Your GPA looks great, btw!

To all Psych majors: It looks like we are up against an enormous degree of competition. Looking at older threads, it looks like the acceptance rate for Psych transfers is less than 8%. A psych major with a 3.97 got waitlisted last year believe it or not! So, I really wish us the best of luck. But, it’s best not to take admissions decisions too personally or seriously. Mechanical engineers with 3.9s have been rejected from CPSLO but accepted into UCBerkeley, bc that’s how competitive that particular major is. Cross your fingers, but don’t beat yourself up over it. I’m doing my best to do the same!

Major: Business Administration- (Concentration: Accounting) w/ a Minor in German
Current College: Technical University of Berlin
IGETC/CSU GE: completed
Major Prep: All Done
GPA: 3.42
Associated Students Positions: Member of the Fiscal Affairs Council, Vice President of Fiscal Affairs, Student Body President.
Clubs: Accounting Society (Vice-President 2016-2017, President 2017-2018), Young Democrats of OCC, Alpha Beta Gamma, The International Honors Business Society (Director of Internship & Opportunities, Secretary)
CBYX Fellowship 2017-2018 Recipient.
In-State, Out-of-State: Kinda complicated, Californian native, living abroad for 11 months.

With life getting in the way, I started off my higher education career with a major slump, but managed to get out of it. Albeit having a lower GPA, I did get accepted admission to CalPoly for the 2017-2018 year. It has been my #1 School since my senior year of high school. Good luck everyone and hope to see you in the other side!

I NEED HELP! For the supplemental application are we supposed to enter the courses that fill out your CSU GE requirement. What if I took a business communication class thats not on the CSU GE checklist but is transferable do I still list it or not?

u don’t list it, only list whats needed

Does anyone know how much more emphasis they put on your application if you have completed the IGETC and Major prep before applying. The website states they give more consideration to those who finished the major prep for their major and completed all General ed requirements before applying.

@demetra I’ve heard that at admitted students day they really show off their school and help you get a feel for the school and town. I kind of wanted to do it but I didn’t know what to expect and I hated the drive there, money was tighter then so I didn’t feel like driving up there and renting a motel (most are booked that weekend anyway), and also I just got my job at Securitas and wanted to focus on that.

As for CSUN, it’s still very much possible to get connected here as there are plenty of accounting related clubs and activities to get involved in. I have to say however that while I have no guarantee that SLO or anywhere else is better, I don’t think I would have gone here to CSUN knowing what I know now. The curriculum here feels stupid so far. Out the 5 classes I took last semester only ACCT 350 and contemporary ethical issues seemed really worth my time. All the other classes felt either stupid and/or taught by a horrible instructor (ICC, Finance 303, Business Gateway). The semester is just kicking off and all the classes I’ve seen yesterday seem like they are going to suck. Also while most people I’ve met so far in the accounting field are decently smart, it’s a little hard to be proud to be a matador when the dumbest people I know from Culver High, LAVC, and the Marine Corps go here. Also recently certain individuals who are unsavory are bringing bad publicity to our school (Stephen Paddock, Anita Sarkeesian). Getting a high GPA has been relatively easy so far, possibly too easy. I recently feel like I was happier in community college.

@schneybley Wow, thank you for sharing your experience over there. I can empathize with opting to stay home to save money, I totally get that. It’s so frustrating picking the right university - how would you know how good the classes/instructors are within your major, without having gone through it yourself? I guess that’s why a lot of people change their major when it’s too late - around junior or senior year. I’ve walked around the CSUN campus before, and realized that there was no way I could truly get a feel for the experience without knowing someone within my major who can share with me all the details. Anyway, I wish you the best in finishing out this semester. You sound like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders.

@demetra Yeah, now that I’ve calmed down a minute it’s not really that bad I suppose. I just came back from ACCT351 and it seems like it’s going to be a deep course. Maybe I should be thankful most of the other classes are BS easy, makes more time for the main accounting classes. I’ve seen other people with attitude similar to mine in school but they tend to change once you graduate with no debt and are working at great firms. Also I am in my 6th week without tobacco so my anxiety is still coming and going.

For the admitted students event that schneybley was talking about, I was there last year cuz it just happened to be on the day I was going for a regular campus tour. If you guys get in I would also recommend going. I just did all the main campus tours but there’s lots to do for admitted students. On the night I was there there was also a “transfer mixer” so I’m curious what that’s like lol

Has anyone heard back yet? I’ve seen that a couple people have started to get their decisions

No way seriously already?

@kobethegoat No decision yet, just checked my portal.