Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

@CLQzzz @yamjand thanks for letting me know! That gives me hope that maybe they haven’t released CS? I am not sure though :frowning:

@ the people who got accepted from De Anza, what were your majors? I haven’t heard anything yet I go there too :frowning:

I’m at Foothill College 3.83GPA Business Admin major, I have a bunch of work experience and still haven’t heard anything. I thought that I was above the average and had a good shot and still haven’t heard anything. Are they still rolling out acceptances for the Business department or am I going to be either waitlisted or denied now?

Business Major with Entrepreneurship emphasis, 3.43 from 4 year University, in state, work 20 hours/week related to major, haven’t heard anything either

No they are still making decisions. It may seem alphabetical but I think it is random. They still have another week of decisions so we are just gonna wait.There was a kid with the gpa as me 3.38 who got in. So im sure you have a clear shot.

West Valley College (Nor Cal)
Business Admin.
3.8 GPA
16-21 Hours Extracurricular (with leadership)
Golden 4 AAAA

Pending… :frowning:

@samtamimi So we’re in a very similar situation I guess maybe they are still making decisions although from past experience I thought they did acceptances then waitlists and then rejections after that so it is strange that with high GPAs we haven’t heard back while other people are but hopefully we both have a good shot and we’ll hear soon!

De Anza
4.0 GPA
21+ hrs work experience related to major
Golden 4 AAAA


@gabe6678 Do you think they’re admitting school by school and they haven’t done Foothill/De Anza yet?

@shnijone my major is Materials Engineering.

@lucasdaboiii One of my De Anza friends got accepted for Business recently and two others were rejected a week ago

@gabe6678 So whats going on?

Has anyone from West Valley been accepted?

So if we don’t get accepted by today, does that mean we got waitlisted or rejected?

The admissions office is probably reading this thread and laughing at us

De Anza
Major: Business
Golden Four:AAAB
21+ work hours related to major
Decision: Pending

Wonder if it’s worth waiting or start looking at other schools.

@slocity4 @CLQzzz @yamjand I am also waiting for computer science, this is so stressful lol…

No, they are still evaluating.

@Catsandphysics Thanks! yeah one person I know also heard back for physics but it seems pretty random so I wouldn’t worry about it if you havent heard.

I read that 25-35% of physics graduates from SLO go on to grad school so that seems like a great number considering not everyone wants to do that.

@nitrous123 honestly if I get into UCSB or Davis, I’d probably end up going there bc they both have programs that make getting a PhD or higher degrees easier to attain whereas SLO does not.