Cal poly slo fall 2019 transfer thread

I haven’t seen a thread about this year’s transfers, so I’ll go ahead and start it!

Major: History
GPA: 2.82
AA-T/AS-T? : Nah
Pre-reqs: Done
Golden 4: Yeah, completed in Spring 2017.
Local: No, LA county here.

From what I gathered seeing the threads from last year, usually admissions notices start at the end of this month until the end of March (Unless I’m totally wrong).

Hey firefox! Super happy to see that this thread has been made. I’ve been extremely anxious since the supplemental application in January. Im attending Cuesta College in SLO, graduated from a local high
school and here are my stats:

Major: Aerospace Engineering
GPA: 3.82
Prereqs: All required classes and the one desired class will be completed by this spring semester.
Golden 4: 3/4, critical thinking missing as it’s not required/expected for Aerospace.
Local: Went to Morro Bay High

@rocketrycory- Hey man! Same here dude, the worry is getting to me. Honestly, I don’t think I’ll be getting in but I figured it was worth a shot. Nice! How do you like it over there? I feel like you being a local will help your chances in getting in. Also, for the Crit Thinking, I thought every CSU required them?

You never know who gets in and who doesn’t…I knew someone who was a mechanical engineering major with the same gpa as you who got in last year! But apparently being a local definitely will help my chances according to my school’s counselors. And I know for my specific major only english composition and speech were mandatory golden 4 requirements. Im sure its different for other majors

@rocketrycory- ah okay, that makes a bit more sense. And that’s true! Lol. Apparently. What made you want to become an aerospace engineer?

Oh man, DEFINITELY the movie Interstellar and the game Kerbal Space Program lol! I like rockets. But yeah, looking at the other threads it seemed like admission notifications came around late February? The website as we know says “on or before April 1st” but hopefully it will be sooner than late March.

Major: Graphic Design
GPA: 3.92
AA-T/AS-T? : Yes, 4 Associate’s degrees
Pre-reqs: Completed
Golden 4: Completed. A A A B
Local: Yes, Allan Hancock College

Submitted my portfolio yesterday for the Cal Poly arts program and now just waiting to see whether I am accepted or not.

@rocketrycory- I played KSP a lot as a kid! A lot of good memories from there. Hopefully. The earlier the better. I’d love to go to SLO or SDSU, but in case I don’t get in at either I got back up lol.

@firefox952 That’s a good outlook! And how’s it going @SpaceElf I’m sure you have great chances of getting in especially since you’re also a local. Hopefully we all make it.

@rocketrycory I’m hoping so. It would be really nice to stay in my home town for the time being. My family has been pushing me to apply to art schools since my major is in design but I feel like I’d get burnt out on it. Even in community college I had to take some gen ed between all of the art classes to give my schedule some variety. Plus, getting to be around people with different kinds of majors is refreshing.

@rocketrycory- so far so good. Every day is a good day to be here :slight_smile:

@SpaceElf- I’m sure you have a pretty good chance of getting in to. Higher than me probably lol.

Hi everyone! Good luck :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

GPA: 3.87
Major: Communication
Pre-reqs: Done the required, only some of the recommended.
Local: No, Bay Area community college

Accepted: University of Michigan, University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign, Penn State
Rejected: Long Beach State

Hey guys!

Yeah, last year Cal Poly didn’t get their decisions out until late March.

But I think it was due to the fact that they had some kind of technical mess up in there system and a lot of people had to re-do their supplemental applications in early March. I was one of them, haha.

But the year before that, they started sending out decisions as early as late February and all through March.


Wow, I’m really glad I didn’t apply here. You all are really competitive, good luck! I’m sure you all will get in.

Hoping we start seeing admissions decisions on Transfers. Has anyone heard back yet??

@Sudsmom Not yet unfortunately. Tons of freshman applicants have been getting their notifications already. Hopefully transfers aren’t the last priority

@Sudsmom - I still haven’t heard anything yet. Hopefully like @rocketrycory said we aren’t the last priority. At least let’s hope lol.

Reading last years threads it looks like transfer students didn’t hear from SLO until mid March.

@Sudsmom - I hope that’s when we hear from them too.

I am a business transfer from Bay Area. Havent heard back yet.
GPA. 3.71 with ADT
20+ hours of work experience/week