Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Did he receive an email to let him know his portal is updated? Best of luck today!

There appears to be huge variation from year to year–sometimes only 15 kids get in off the waitlist while other years it’s a few thousand!

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Any kinesiology majors on this thread, besides my D?

But perhaps ignore data from class of 2020. It was during the thick of Covid shutdowns. More students got in from the waitlist than usual.

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Yes, still waiting 4.0 GPA unweighted

My son is a Cal Poly alum (BS/MS ME). We visited him on Parent’s Weekend during his first year. I said “Now that you’ve been here a while, do you feel like Cal Poly is the perfect fit?” He replied, “I like it here a lot, but honestly, I would have been fine at any of the schools I applied to.”

If you or your student get rejected, remember his words. It’s not about the institution name. It’s about making the most of one’s opportunities, no matter where that is. It’s a challenging time, but in retrospect, you’ll realize much of that stress wasn’t warranted.

Hang in there!


No email yet, just caught it on the portal.

Waitlisted for Civil Engineering 4.4 gpa lots of EC no job. 9 AP courses

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My S22 Waitlisted for statistics. :smirk:

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My D waitlisted for graphic communications. 4.1 gpa, 5 AP and 3 DE. In state, not local

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Thank you. I think we all needed to hear this. It’s not about where you go, it’s what you do when you get there.


My S waitlisted for CS. 4.22 capped weighted GPA, 10 AP, Internship related major, Instate, not local.

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In state son waitlisted for Anthropology/Geography
4.6 u/w
4.2 capped
3.9 u/w
12 AP/3 DE
AP scholar with Distinction
Violin since age 4 lots of EC
I am seriously perplexed at this one. I could understand if he was applying for engineering, but there’s that many kids with higher stats applying for anthropology? Can anyone shed some light on this for us?


That one is weird


How many do they typically accept a year for that major?

Should i call the admission officer to know where i am in the waitlist?

They will tell you that they do not rank.


oh okay! if possible can you tell me how many students get off the waitlist in a specific major??

I typically go to the most recent enrollment projections to get an idea about the major, Anthropology & Geography:

Estimated FTF apps: 204
Target FTF enrollment: 34

Estimating yield is always pure speculation, but if you make the rough down and dirty 33% assumption, then that gets “you” to about a 50% acceptance rate, but each cycle will be different too.

So, bottom line, I’m surprised too.


I cannot shed any light on your specific situation regarding the waitlist, but based on the projections, there are 34 spots for Anthropology/Geography first time freshman.

SLO is an impacted campus which means all majors are impacted: More qualified applicants than spots.

Waitlist is not an out right denial so there still is hope.