Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

It would be so much more humane if they just announced everything on the same day. All admits. All wait list. All rejected. Just rip off the band-aid for us all at once! On a pre-announced, specified date!


I agree. I just think they canā€™t do that in some majors. I feel they let so many admissions out and see who accepts and then go from there about rolling more out. I canā€™t see them admitting 3 times the spots in some majors and hopefully everyone doesnā€™t accept. I know they have stats on it but I donā€™t know.

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SLO use to admit by the Alphabetical listing of each college, but that has not been done for several years.


April 1st is that date that everyone will know by. Admissions told me to start looking in the Middle of March. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing. If I find out earlier, fantastic!! I prefer the results trickle out versus wait until late March or April 1st when all the results are in. My daughter isnā€™t fretting about dates at all and sheā€™s not looking all the time. Iā€™m taking advice from my daughter and looking less. Hope for the best, plan for the worst has served me well. Good luck all and may you get your first choice and if not happy with that, happy with what you do get!! : )


Your daughter (and you) have a great attitude! I wish I wasnā€™t such a fretter. Thanks for the positive energy!


My D22 auditioned on Saturday for the Music Department and they told us parents not to expect decisions for two to three weeks. This was just for the Music Department, not school wide but I was still a little surprised by this.

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Is there a chance decisions come out today?

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Maybe OOS today and in state tomorrow? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping. But who knows!


I know what you mean! Sending good vibes for everything to go per your/his wishes!

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I was told by admissions that the students that auditioned and sent portfolios should get notified first. I figure it could very well be another two weeks.


Appreciate the advice, @bill2, but if youā€™re the very last person to receive an acceptance, it really is a bit painful to hear about all the others that have come in ā€“ not just on CC, but in real life, too. Thatā€™s why we come here to this message board. People here are really supportive as we wait together, congratulate those whoā€™ve heard, support those who are waiting, and console those who didnā€™t get the answer they were hoping for.


Ok, small vent and not sure where else to do it, lol! Everyone is taking way too long sending out their decisions!! You canā€™t even make last minute tours to help the kids decide where they want to go because some many of the decisions are after spring break.
Rant over, thank you!!


Thanks, if Iā€™m the last person to find out Iā€™m calling Admissions to make sure we didnā€™t fall through the cracks, and Iā€™m preparing for our second choice. Being an engineer I expect failure, I look for it, and expect it in all facets of my life, that way I have a work around plan. Whether Iā€™m 50 miles from town on a rough jeep trail, driving in heavy traffic, picking up the kids at school or especially work. Itā€™s a real treat when things go the way they are supposed to some of the time. Being a pessimist means Iā€™m right most of the time and when Iā€™m not, Iā€™m pleasantly surprised!! Thatā€™s how I rollā€¦


This is the place to do it. LOL I hear you!


My 2021 admit was the last group to be admitted. Her portfolio was due the last week of February - the next week first admits were being told. She didnā€™t find out until the last week of March.


Iā€™m not clear what is taking cal Poly so long? My son has gotten word from all the other state CA schools in applied to. Cal Poly is the last state school. They donā€™t have to look at the test scores this year.

I speak from experience. My son applied to a tough to get into Cal State school in 2019, although not SLO. We felt he had a decent chance of getting in, although certainly was not a lock. We sat there the first three weeks of the month while friend after friend got accepted to major after major and came to school ecstatic about their acceptances. Nothing appeared in his email or portal.

A smaller group of waitlisted kids started showing up to school next. The anxiety grew thicker. Still nothing in the email or the portal.

The last Friday of the month and late in the day, the denials hit en masse. My son got denied. The pain of waiting that entire month only to be denied from his number one school at 4pm on the last Friday of March is something I can still recall easily today. It sucked.

Thankfully, my son is resilient, and was able to get over his disappointment and move on with plan B. Not all kids can bounce back so readily. I think I had a harder time with it than he did, actually. (My disappointment was more for financial concerns since the CSUs are so reasonably priced.)

This whole process could be done in a far more efficient and compassionate way. It is ridiculous that they drag it out like this. I think the problem is that most of us only go through it once or twice in a lifetime. If we had to do it more than that there would surely be an uprising and a demand for a better system.

It sucked then and it sucks now.


Itā€™s tough to say. Last year OOS came out the day before in-state. But, in 2020, both started coming out on the same day.

So, if OOS starts coming out this afternoon, then tomorrow for in-state for sure.

Otherwise, it still could be tomorrow. Iā€™m sticking with the prediction that I made a week ago (tomorrow).


My guess is because they admit every single person in to a major. I feel like thatā€™s a little more complicated.

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