Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

I didn’t see a thread for this yet, so I hope it’s okay to start one.

Edited by Forum Champion

Once your decision is posted in your portal, please post your stats using the following format.

SLO GPA (9-11th a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point cap for 10-11th eligible classes):
Number of A-G classes:
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses:
EC hours and with leadership or job related:


Does anyone know when results will be out?

SLO releases their acceptances slowly over several weeks.

Last year admissions decisions started on March 10 at 3 pm.

SLO’s open house for admitted students will be April 13-15 2023. If you think you might want to attend, I would suggest making hotel reservations now.


Most impacted & least impacted majors from last year according to SLO Tribune.


Timeline of the 2022 decisions:
Cal Poly SLO admit wave started on March 10, 2022 with a mixture of OOS and In-state applicants. Waitlist decisions posted March 18, 2022 along with a few acceptances. Admits for students requiring a portfolio review trickled out on March 24, 2022. Denials were posted on March 30, 2022.


Just to clarify, these percentages are not admission rates, correct?

They don’t seem to account for yield, for which Gumbymom usually uses a 3x multiplier.


No, these are not the admit rates but just the projected # of applicants and target # of spots available.

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Acceptance rates by College for the Fall of 2022, though SLO accepts by major and acceptances rates by major vary widely:

CENG 29.3%
CAFES 48.1%
CAED 29.7%
CLA 30.8%
CSM 34.0%
OCOB 26.7%

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What happens if they don’t get into their first choice, but have very high stat?

Are you asking about alternate majors? SLO occasionally admits into the alternate major. The majority of admits that I have seen were 1st choice Engineering majors which selected their alternate major in another College such as Physics/Math/Stats, Bioresource and Ag. Engineering, Industrial Tech and Packaging etc…

There is no guarantee they will consider your alternate major so many high stat applicants are denied.


These are slightly newer (by 1 yr)

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Any chance Cal Poly will start decisions the end of February ? Do they start with OOS first ? I sure wish they looked at a holistic view of leadership and activities along with GPA the fact that only a computer looks at the app makes me nervous because all the kids applying have similar gpa and Ap and class rigor

Thanks for reminding about Admitted Student Day and need for booking a hotel. I don’t know if my kid will get in, but I reserved 2 days April 13-15th.

Can you tell me if attending on 13th is needed? I booked a Cal Poly Pomona tour (got admission here) at 3 pm on 13th and will likely be in SLO by night.

My now Junior daughter at USC was admitted to her second choice major (Landscape Arch instead of Arch) at Cal Poly in 2020. It actually worked to her disadvantage because it meant she could not be on the waitlist for Architecture, her first choice. We even called to find out if she could trade her second choice for waitlist and the answer was no. Several students were admitted off the Architecture waitlist with seemingly lower stats than her. In the end it didn’t matter because she got into her dream school, but I found the process interesting so thought I would share.


Thursday the 13th not needed - but Farmers Market is legendary and pretty awesome. When we took my daughter for the open house weekend, my husband and I decided we wanted to attend college again at SLO. :grin:


Thank you for the feedback. I will change reservation to 13th only as events start early on 14th. I live in Bay Area and its 4 hours drive for us and can return home on the 14th itslef.

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We’re in the Bay Area, too. Its a long drive home at night :sleeping: I would 100% recommend staying until the end of the Friday Nite Invite. They get to meet and hang out with all of the other possible future students while parents hang out elsewhere. Its really fun for them - my daughter actually met the person who ended up being her Freshman-Junior year roommate that night.

Does being a first-generation help with admission at SLO? Or only if parents did not graduate high school?


The CDS has 1st generation as Considered along with the Supplemental admission Factor Summary.

If using the 2013 MCA criteria, students with parents whom did not graduate HS were given extra points. Since no MCA specific criteria has been published since 2013, only admissions knows for sure what is now being considered as part of the Freshman MCA selection.


I saw this from SLO Tribune, I wish they explain more in the context of the definition of the first generation here.