Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

same boat for S23 (OOS). Applied for aerospace. UW GPA 3.8, CSU weighted 4.23. 4 APs. 21 hours EC + leadership. no work. Still no decision in portal.

But good news, he got into UCD yesterday and has also been admitted to Auburn and CalPoly Pomona for aerospace and Michigan State for physics


Last year, all the “non-updated” and “waitlisted” portals are updated to “rejected” at the end of March.

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My daughter got accepted to UC Davis yesterday for Global Disease Biology; we’re assuming that she got waitlisted or rejected from SLO for Biological Sciences. We’re kind of surprised at this but it just goes to show how unpredictable this process can be. UCD was her #1 choice with SLO being #2. Stats below.

3.97 UW
4.4 W
50 DE credits (As in every class) , 1 AP (scored a 4)
4 years of choir, musical theater, college level tutoring, 5 years of her own babysitting business, college honor society + leadership position.

In-state resident (SF Bay Area)
Not first gen

Congratulations to everyone who got in!

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I cannot find the 2022 admission numbers for IS vs. OOS but here are the 2021 admit numbers for SLO.

In-state Resident: 59908 applicants, admitted 16712 and acceptance rate of 28%

Non-resident OOS: 7693 applicants, admitted 4305 and 56% acceptance rate.

Yield rate for IS was 30% while OOS Non-resident was 27% so not much difference.


Hi again, and thanks, this is great to hear! This is the major my son was accepted for.

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Admit status Unknown. Mine is 3.95UW/4.32 CSU GPA/4.5W Hard STEM classes. 6 years of Math. AP Calculus BC, Chemistry, Physics 1, Comp, Stats etc. Chemistry Olympiad Semi Finalist. ELC 9%. Not Sure what selection criteria SLO uses?

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  1. SLO does not consider ELC which is part of the UC application review
  2. You cannot list or go into detail about EC’s/activities or awards
  3. Their a-g course recommendations exceed the UC’s such as 5 years English, 2 years VPA, 4 years Foreign Language etc…
  4. They use 9-11th a-g course grades in their GPA calculation with a 8 semester Honors point cap

All candidates are objectively evaluated by the cognitive and non-cognitive variables under our faculty-mandated Multi-Criteria Admission (MCA) process. We encourage students to apply to the program they feel best fits their academic and professional goals.

They do not spell out their MCA process so there are definite unknowns.


Word of advice for all who were admitted.

Don’t let your student get senioritis. Cal Poly does rescind offers on bad grades. It is a real thing. Also if you have any schedule changes in classes within your high school or DE they will also have to reevaluate your entire application again for the offer to remain.

It becomes very stressful if you have to be reevaluated because they can and will move you to a waitlist or deny. I know of several students this happened to over the last couple of years. Some lost their acceptance and others lost sleep for awhile!

So make sure everything stays status quo.


The offer of admission did say “Conditional Admission” with is basically what you said when you look at the fine print.

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Appreciate the stats. Must say with the fresh disappointments yesterday, and as a CA taxpayer the last 30 yrs, the OOS numbers are a very tough pill to swallow. Do appreciate the diversity it brings - and congrats to all that got in.


Thanks for the reminder!

I looked at the terms and conditions here, to try to determine the exact conditions of acceptance:

  • Complete all coursework designated on your application, including those listed as “in progress” or “planned,” with a grade of C (or better) no later than the previous Spring Term for admission for the Fall Term.
  • Complete each term in your senior year with an overall 3.0 GPA in your College Prep Coursework.
  • Maintain the academic standard that allowed for your admission.

The only confusing bullet point here is “Maintain the academic standard that allowed for your admission.”

I hope that does not mean that a 4.0 student needs to maintain a 4.0, without even getting a B grade in one semester of a class? Does it just mean that you need to finish all the classes you listed on your application (at the same level, such as college prep, Honors or AP), with at least a 3.0 overall GPA in your college prep coursework and nothing below a C?

I’ve normally assumed it means to maintaint he base requirements for admission, so say if UCs require all applicants to have at minimum a 3.3, your semester GPA should be a 3.3 or higher

General rule of thumb: No more than a 1.0 drop in GPA, complete all reported Senior classes with a C or higher and no D’s or F’s.


with you all the way



I wanted to state it in laymen terms.

The thing most don’t think about is not just the grades but if you drop a class or change a class, it absolutely will affect your application with Cal Poly. It has to be reevaluated and can take several weeks and the outcome may not be good.


Yes just with a 3.0 and nothing below a C.

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Do you know if that 3.0 is weighted or unweighted?


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@one4everyone and @PToady Yeah. It’s the elephant in the room isn’t it that no one wants to mention. You pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes for 20,30+ years and then someone from out of state comes along and … If the stats of OOS kids were amazing it would be acceptable, but most OOS accepts are comparable to the CA accepts.

I really feel for these excellent CA kids who now have to go out of state. And it is a huge loss to the state as well.

For the record, my kid got into SLO, I just feel bad for these other Cali parents/kids.


Hi stat California kids avail themselves of public university admissions all around the county. Plenty of CA kids and parents on other forums are anxiously awaiting decisions from UW, Michigan, UVA, UT, Georgia Tech etc. It’s a two way street.