Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Historically SLO has done waves of decisions. Here is the 2022 decision timeline. There is always a possibility that more admits will be posted.

2023 Admit wave on March 10, 2023.

Cal Poly SLO admit wave started on March 10, 2022 with a mixture of OOS and In-state applicants. Waitlist decisions posted March 18, 2022 along with a few acceptances. Admits for students requiring a portfolio review trickled out on March 24, 2022. Denials were posted on March 30, 2022.


thank you

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Stats will be my son’s second math class this year - he doubled up on math this year to get the 5 years credit in. Recommend this to all applying in future years, along with English!


Thank you! Before decisions came out…UW, with UCLA in second. She wants a big “fun” school in a city and is a California girl who loves the outdoors and would prefer to leave the state but our family is filled with UCLA alums so we’ll see (IF she gets in–not holding my breath). Big brother is at Davis (he chose Davis over Cal 3 years ago and LOVES Davis–SUCH a wonderful place).


good luck

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Same. CS daughter. No change in status.

Heard nothing on reddit either, not sure whether to keep my hopes up haha

Does CS stand for computer science or communication studies?

computational studies, or Computer Science for short


Curious what made your son decide on Davis. If my child has a choice between the two, he is saying Cal for sure, but we are not necessarily sure that is the right school for him and made sure to sign up for Aggie day so he can experience Cal.

Just wandering, I read several posts here stating 5 years of math and English. How is this possible? My daughter’s high school had eng 1 & 2 honors, AP lang, AP lit. For math, taking additional summer I’m assuming?

Also a CC English class can give you 5 Years. 5 years math is easy if the applicant took Algebra in Middle school.

Some students take electives that are in the English (B) category. Look up your high school here and see what courses count as English.

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My kids took a 5th year of English via concurrent enrollment at our local Junior College. Also there are other “non-math” classes that count as Math Credit such as Computer Science A, Artificial Intelligence and Stats at our school. My son ended up with 8 years of math!

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Has anyone heard anything from CalPoly since last Friday?


has anyone heard back that applied for communications?

or anything from agriculture communications?

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I had a friend who was accepted 3/10 for ag communications.


At this point, I would rather move on and be pleasantly surprised than to keep waiting and hoping for something so unlikely. That is just our situation. We all have our way of coping with disappointment. Good luck to everyone. It was worth a shot.


Cal Ploy alumni here and I’m very disappointed in their admissions process! Daughter Still in pending status