Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

My son is waiting for Business admin as well, we are holding our breath and hoping for the best. CP is his 1st choice by far. I’m hoping he hears good news soon.


For all posters asking about specific majors and stats, you can search in this discussion by clicking the magnifying glass on the upper right of the web page, select in this topic and type in a key word.


Hopefully Cal Poly practices “learn by doing” next year by making their admission decisions more predictable!


It has not happened in 13 years since I am have been on CC. They must be on a SLO learning curve.


My Daughter is anxiously waiting and hoping for the best!


My daughter was just accepted for Art & Design. Her portfolio submitted March 1st. Assuming they are now releasing decisions for the art program. Good luck to everyone else still waiting. I’m sure there are more to come.


so frustrating… the waiting. My son is only waiting on SLO! Anyone here know about any physics majors getting acceptences?

We are also hoping for a second wave of acceptances. My son is Aerospace and was not admitted into the first round.

that was my son’s second choice. does he have friends that got in already?

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we’re in the bay area too! :crossed_fingers:

So are we- Bay Area… Waiting for closure on this CP is 1st choice. My son is SE, which I believe they only admit 25 freshman :weary:

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25 is the Target Enrollment of First Time Freshman for SE. They will admit more than that since some will decline the SLO offer.


The target projections for SE is 25 students for enrollment. All schools admit more than enroll so figure between anywhere from 50-100 or so admits to meet the 25 spot target. Really depends on the yield.


I am trying so hard not to bug my D23 to check her portal, so I will keep checking here :joy:. She is still waiting (with dwindling hope) as well - Kinesiology major from SoCal.


Doesn’t seem like a ton of Cal Poly Graphic Communication admits yet on here? My Daughter is still waiting! We are in Bay Area as well… We are still holding out help but seems like a ton of kids from her high school already got accepted first round. Not sure if they have a cap of how many they take per high school? Time will tell…

My friend got into Graphic Communications on the first wave. Very pedestrian stats. 3.9 GPA, only 3 AP Classes. Hope this helps raise your confidence!

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I hear you, I don’t want to bug my son also. It seems today, so far, it’s the majors that had to submit portfolios. We have a tour scheduled for next week but if we don’t hear today, I’m canceling it. I don’t want to spend the money to take off of work and stay down there without knowing yet.

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I count 5 (possibly 6 with above post) Graphic Comm acceptances reported on this thread.

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us too :sweat:


This is round 2 for us. Despite a 4.4 GPA, he only applied to reach schools and did not get in anywhere last year. He had a tough major, aerospace. So far this round has been more successful but CalPoly is one of his top choices. Last year he got waitlisted at SLO, UCSD, and UCD. So far this year, he has been accepted to UCD, UCSB (but for physics), waitlisted at UCSD, and denied at UCLA and UCI (again). Curious to see how Cal Poly will play out this year.