Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

What was his GPA? I have a high school,sophomore interested in Construction management, but he won’t have and extremely high gpa

My '23 grad has 4 years of English, 3 years of foreign language, 6 years of math (2 in middle school), 3 years of VPA and 4 years each of social studies and lab science. He was accepted for business administration. My '21 grad was accepted for another major with the same coursework, but 5 years of math (1 in middle school).

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Or 7 yrs math with Stats and DE MVC/LA… I’d not be surprised if that is more common for engineering applicants than 5 yrs English.

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Same! UC Davis was my daughter’s #1 choice, with SLO #2. We’re thankful that she got into Davis and she is beyond thrilled. We can’t wait for Aggie Day! It’s SLO’s loss, honestly. Congratulations on Davis! Such a fantastic school.


Here are some stats of admitted Construction management majors:
Daughter just got accepted
In State
Construction management major
over 4.0 GPA
6 AP classes

Son accepted to Construction Management! OOS, estimating 4.1 weighted GPA, 5 years math, lot’s of EC hours, volunteering + job related to major. So happy for him!!


Hi Bayareacrew33, if possible I would recommend having him take some community college courses or dual enrollment classes during the school year. I wish my son had taken more but I noticed many of the kids getting into top UCs had a lot of dual credits. I was a bit torn on this because our school doesn’t weight the CC classes and I was worried about it diluting class rank, but when the colleges recalculate the GPA they do give the student the extra point grade bump for the CC classes and the kids have the bonus of these classes counting toward their GE requirements.


We will be at Aggie Day too. Best of luck to our girls! :slight_smile:


When you say just accepted… You mean just got the acceptance notification today? Just wondering if acceptance letters are still going out, had given up hope.

No, the examples I posted were from the admit wave on March 10th. The poster was asking for stats of admitted Construction Management majors since they had their Sophomore student interested in the major. Other than hearing rumors of some admits after the March 10th admission wave and some portfolio based admits on March 24th, I have not seen any new admits posting on any of the social media sites.


My daughter heard on Saturday via email that she has been waitlisted.


It’s difficult to understand why SLO admissions said they would be admitting students through 4/1. The first admits were on 3/10 and 3/11 with waitlists going out on Friday3/24. I have not seen anyone posting that they received an admit after 3/11 (not talking about transfer students). They appear to be the only CA/UC school that is giving these poor kids additional stress with the wait not to mention holding up other kids who are waiting to decline an offer elsewhere if they were to get into SLO. Hopefully they will stop stringing kids along and will just have a release date including WL and denials all in the same wave.


UCR, CSULB, SDSU and SFSU have applicants still without decisions as of today.

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3.9 UW, only a few APs. I would maybe suggest dual enrollment in CC classes while in HS because CP gives those grades 1 full point bump (so a B is weighted at 4.0, A at 5.0). That could maybe help boost your student’s GPA if it’s an option in your school.

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My D23 heard on Saturday she’s waitlisted. Environmental & Soil Science


How many students typically apply to the Honors Program for fall admission?

In recent years, we have received about 600 applications for fall admission. We typically admit about 90 to 100 students from this applicant pool.

What process is followed when reviewing applications for the Honors Program?
Student applications are logged into an electronic database upon receipt. Cal Poly faculty and staff members review and score the applications following a standard process. Each application is reviewed by at least two persons.

What factors contribute to the decision for first-year admission to the Honors Program?
A student’s responses to the essay questions on the application are the most important factors in admissions. Your academic performance in high school and the rigor of your high school record are also important. High school class rank and recommendations are not considered.


My Dtr is still waiting on Env Soil Science, what were her Stats to get waitlisted?


My daughter submitted her application to the Honors program last night. They say that you will hear back by the end of April, but I hope it’s pretty soon. It could be a factor for sure in her decision-making. But we know it’s pretty selective!

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So if no decision means rejected, why not just say ‘rejected’ or will that come eventually? We did pay an application fee, so a definitive answer is warranted.


All decisions will be out by end of March. This is how SLO has done decisions since I have been on CC (13 yrs).

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After 13 years, do you have a handle on the logic behind their timing? Are there other schools that do it like this?