Cal Poly SLO Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist Discussion

I see your points. Ucla pulled from wl this morning. SLO is immune to it all?

Son got the final “no” from UCSD waitlist Monday last week. So, I assuming the waitlist for UCSD is closed?

I saw a post that there was an admit yesterday from the UCSD waitlist so they probably have denied some and kept others on a short list if late spots open up.

My in-state daughter was admitted off the UCSD waitlist today. Her major was Mathematics and Economics. She actually thought she had opted off the waitlist, and as of today she’s telling me she’s going to stick with where she committed to, which is UCSB. Her first choice was/is UCLA; she’s still on the waitlist for that.

Anyone off wl?

Other schools still pulling from wl.

OK this the week! All will be revealed. It will be interesting to see how many if any kids make it off waitlist. I think the average is around 10% (aside from the Covid year)??

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SLO has never waited this long to admit off the waitlist so I think there may be a few if any. Previous years that had 900+ admits, they started admitting before the May 1 SIR deadline.

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Agreed… Definitely not holding our breaths.

Do you think ucla and berkeley pulling last week, uc berkeley pulling again couple of days ago from wl, or ucsc pulling and being creative with winter admits etc ha d no impact on SLO? Just wondering why some schools had bigger pulls while slo had zero.

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I cannot answer since I do not work in admissions however, if the UC waitlist movement had an impact at SLO, historically you would have seen some admits by now. More than likely they have reached their enrollment target. I have not seen any posts where an SLO enrolled student has given up their spot after being admitted to a UC or another choice school.

Perhaps they are waiting to do all their waitlist admits in one wave, but it does not make much sense since many students have moved on and are happy to stay with their current schools.

I do not know the rationale of why SLO is dragging the waitlist process out but again, they that is how they do regular admissions.

Based on their waitlist history, if there are spots available, they would have admitted students already. Only time will tell and most people do not post on social media.

As a parent who has an incoming freshmen to SLO this fall, I honestly don’t think they are going to take any off the waitlist.

They started SLO days last week, and all the sessions are full. Students have picked their dorms and starting next Monday the 17th, the freshmen students have one last time to change their dorm assignment before they close housing. Class schedules are being developed for the freshmen and are going to be available by the last week of July.

There just seems to be too much already assigned to bring on more then just a couple of WL students. If they do take from the WL I doubt it would be a significant number. It would be a very small amount.

I heard they had the largest applicant pool and largest freshmen class ever from administration.

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It’s just so frustrating. They certainly know where there numbers are at this point. Dragging out the seemingly inevitable rejection at this point is just cruel and unusual punishment!


I personally know someone that committed to SLO and then got off the waitlist in May for Berkeley and decided to go there instead. So there are those who switched from SLO to a UC school after getting off waitlists. Perhaps SLO had more than they expected enroll, however. If that is the case though, they should notify those on waitlists right away instead of keeping them on the list this long.

I agree that if SLO has met their enrollment target, they should close the waitlist and notify all students.

As I stated above, many people do not post on social media about their acceptances so it is hard to gauge how much movement has occurred between SLO and the UC’s. It is good to know that there has been some movement but appears to be very few admits from the waitlist overall and based on the several of the more recent posts, no one should be expecting a large wave July 15th.


I personally know parents of two students who were planning to go to SLO but changed course for UCSB and UCSD, respectively, when they got off those wait lists. To be fair, I also know one student who got off UCSB wait list but chose to stay at SLO. SLO’s yield must have been higher than expected or just right so they don’t need the waitlist even though some admits are going elsewhere.


Does SLO receive AP scores even if waitlisted? Because I’m waitlisted to many other schools and no other has received my AP scores

But slo did

Did you fill out that the AP scores should be sent automatically to SLO at time of testing? If so, they will be sent and received regardless of your admission status.

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No I did not

Did you report them on the CSU application? If not, the only way SLO could have received your AP scores were if you had them sent.

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