Cal Poly Slo Freshman Dorms?

As the title, any ideas? Thanks

What are you asking?

I’m sorry, what I meant is what dorm is the best to live in for the incoming freshman? @slotrees
and Thankssss

I also heard about the new dorm, and I wonder what it likes

LOTS of new dorms next year. Multiple new buildings. Things will change dramatically compared to this current school year.

You don’t get a choice in housing, and honestly it ends up not being as big a deal as you’d think- everyone makes the best of it and generally enjoys where they are (nightmare roommates can be another story but yeah). Also depends on your social scene. New dorms will be cool but we’ll see. Towers are generally far away and not ideal. Red bricks are the most social in general, since they’re “traditional dorm” style. Each building within them forms a pretty tight community, and they’re in a good location to campus (but get very hot and smell bad 24/7). North Mountain is honestly the best location, and this year are the “party” dorms kinda (open to the outside though, but large rooms). North Mountain also has a cool grassy area and idk, I honestly almost wish I was there. HOWEVER, they also had a huge rat problem after christmas break, yikes. I’m in cerro, which I always thought I’d prefer an apartment (applied for one specifically) but now wish I had sucked it up and gone into more traditional dorm-style housing. But doesn’t really matter i guess, since there’s no freshmen in Cerro or PCV (so no apartments at all) next year.

btw the “learning communities” don’t mean ANYTHING as far as I’ve ever seen/experienced. The only ones that might make a difference are Substance Free, Honors, and engineering/CSM or a few select other college-related ones (like all the ag kids together). Otherwise don’t worry about it at all, you will never hear about them again after the housing application.

The only thing I’d add is that living in areas that have the highest density of first years seems to work best for long term happiness and success. The friend circle you make first year will mean FAR more than how pretty your room is.

Current student here. Not even sure if its an option this year but do not live in PCV your first year. It is social suicide unless you get lucky. Red bricks if you want to know a lot of people in your college. idk what they’re doing with the new dorms but they look really nice.

First years won’t be in PCV, or Cerro, next year (or anytime in the foreseeable future). But that’s true af. I thought I’d really want an apartment, but now regret it so badly. You only get the dorm experience once, and it kinda sucks missing out on that.