Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2020

@buster2974 Not trying to sound like a pessimist but last year, someone found it at a weird time.

Nothing for me

As I refresh the portal
I let out a chortle
Have I been accepted
Or maybe rejected
But alas there’s no news
Which gives me the blues
Now I have to think of a rhyme
For No determination
Has been made at this time.

Major: Chemistry
GPA 3.27
Golden 4: A, B, AP, B
CSU GE: missing 2
Have all prereqs? Yes
AS-T: No
Local: No, Ventura County
Still pending 3/9


I thought we were for sure going to hear from admissions yesterday :confused:

Probably Friday now

DId you talk to admissions? Why do you think Friday?

Someone email them and ask when they’re going to start accepting Transfer students i’m tired of waiting lol.

Hopefully we will find out later today, fingers crossed… good luck everyone!

they never answer directly all they say is you’ll hear by April

There’s no signs at all smh. I guess it’s time to ditch internet for a while. This can’t be healthy…

Well if first wave for freshmans was last tuesday, they might come out today for transfers. I’m just hoping though.

Do you guys know if they send out an email as soon as the decision is posted or do you just have to keep checking?

I read somewhere that they send an email a few days later but i’m not sure if that is true. I just keep checking the portal @realitea

Nothing again???

Major: Art and Design, graphic design concentration.
GPA: 3.85
Pre-reqs: Completing last 2 major prep classes currently!
Golden Four: A, B, AP, A
Local: No, LA county.
Applied: UCLA, UCD, Cal Poly SLO.
As of 5:00 PM PST, no update on my admissions portal :frowning: I’m so stressed lol.

It could be anytime this month honestly. They came out late march in 2018 yet within a week from freshman releases near the beginning of the month in 2019.

In 2018 they had a lot of technical problems and that is why the decisions came out so late. We might be hearing from them late because of the corona virus and school closures.

The portal usually changes first. The email usually follows a few days later. Make sure to check your promotion/junk/spam folders. Cal Poly emails often get routed into those other email folders for some strange reason.