Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

are you local or non local?

are you a veteran or active duty? military status gives a pretty significant boost.

What are your extracurriculars numbers?

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Haha funny seeing you again, nothing yet for me either

HAAHAH same, this one is my dream school, I am eagerly waiting for decisions on this school.


Same here the business school at slo>>>>


Hey are you going to be an information systems concentration?

Only at Irvine, I think just Business Administration at slo

Yeah, but they offer several concentrations as well.

Hey Cal Poly if you guys send me my decision within the next 2 minutes I will 100% commit right fricken now


no I am not local, I am in state though. First gen college student and latino if that means anything.

Did anyone get an answer?

Nope, freshmen haven’t gotten theirs yet either, so I believe it will be a while.

freshman still haven’t heard?! wow, I was expecting them to have heard by last week. maybe the admissions people are trying a new thing this year? they might send out acceptances all at the same time maybe? this is weird

honestly, I could be thinking that this is because of the whole UC Berkeley situation
but either way transfers didnt hear until the week of the 17th so we should likely here next week maybe along side the freshman.

what was the UC Berkeley situation? I have it marked in my calendar for when our decisions should come out, LOL I hate this waiting game

so from my understanding, there was some law in california that said essentially UCB has to cut back at least 2,500 freshman and transfer students from being admitted today. So with that 2,500 more denials schools top schools such as UCLA UCSD SLO etc are nervous on whether or not they can still admit their regular amount of students because they don’t want to end up being overcrowded and having a lack of housing for freshman and transfers etc like the UCSB situation.

sounded really weird when I first read it in the slo freshman chat but when you think about it, it honestly kind of makes sense.

TelevisionRomance. Or like the Cal Poly 2017 situation. They admitted way too many freshman which caused a huge housing issue and class issues.

oh great :sweat_smile:

dang so i guess this isnt unusual haha