Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2023

When shall we expect transfers this year?

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I believe some transfer decisions started posting around March 18th but the majority near the end of March last year. You can scour the 2022 discussion thread to find out the timeline.

perfect, thank you

It looks like the bulk of transfer decisions rolled out on March 21 last year so hopefully will hear soon.


RPTA transfer from SBCC. Counting the minutes, hoping decisions start this week. IGETC and all requirements completed but GPA is only 3.1.

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@Gumbymom I donā€™t see a transfer thread for UC Santa Cruz. I was wondering when to expect their transfer decisions to be released. Do you know?

You are welcome to start a new Transfer discussion thread for UCSC. UC transfers hear in April. You would have to look through last years discussion thread to find a timeline.


Tik tok tik tokā€¦ā€¦

What a quiet thread this year


Why is that?!? Iā€™ve been checking it compulsively lol

A few years ago, 2020, transfers heard tonight, on the 16th. So itā€™s possible. I donā€™t know what day freshman heard that yearā€¦.
Does anyone else?? Or in 2021?

Historically transfer acceptances have rolled out 1-2 weeks after freshman results and typically are released the week before Cal Poly goes on Spring break. I would expect for us to hear sometime next week.

I applied for Aerospace Engineering with Materials Engineering as a secondary since my main is impacted. This is my third year applying so hopefully third times a charm!

For everyone following and worrying try not to think about it too much (easier said than done I know lol). It will all be decided soon, hang in there :smile:


Are you SLO county Local ?.. And if you dont mind me asking what is your GPA ?

Yes I live locally and currently hold a 3.6 GPA.

Oh ok :+1:

I wouldnā€™t worry so much about GPA if itā€™s decent and instead focus on what your majorā€™s required/desired courses are. If you meet all of these I would recommend sitting down with an academic counselor and seeing which CSU GE courses to take to make your transcript more competitive. It doesnā€™t hurt getting your GE certified if possible before you transfer either so you can focus strictly on Bachelorā€™s requirements when you end up transferring.

Posting for my daughter even though most transfer students do on their own.

No word yet from SLO. Accepted to CSULB.

Applied also to SDSU, UCLA, UCB.

She applied History, 3.83 GPA, CCC, will have all required courses by end of spring semester.

I was surprised to see the deadline to submit enrollment deposit (if accepted) for CSUs is still May 1 for transfers. She applied to some UCs and will not get those results until end of April. Not much turn around time allowed.

Also posting for my daughter who has very similar stats and schools to your daughter.

Accepted to CSULB, waiting on SLO and SDSU (Comm Major). Also applied to UCLA (Public Affairs), UCB (Media Studies), UCSB (TAG - Comm), and UCSD (Comm).

3.93 GPA, IGETC complete by end of Spring semester.

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Who else is dying waiting?

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DYING. Hoping for tmrw. 3/17