Cal Poly SLO vs SDSU?

Please list pros and cons for each school. My major for cal poly is public health and my major for sdsu is undeclared. I have no preference of either school. Also please add things to do outside of campus. (I am not a big outdoorsy person)

That’s something you need to do yourself as part of the process :slight_smile: Don’t rely on others to do the work for you!

You have to visit or at least do a virtual tour (Google Maps Street View helps). They are both very good schools with beautiful environments, but they are different. It’s a personal choice.

I was literally in the exact same spot as you, choosing between Cal Poly for Public Health and SDSU for Public Health. A few days ago, I committed to Cal Poly just because their “learn by doing” philosophy is exactly how I learn. Cal Poly is all about doing hands on work in your major from your very first quarter. However, that means that if you want to change your major you need to do it pretty early on because you take major based classes right away. Both schools are incredibly close to a number of beaches and the trolly system at SDSU is really great for getting around the city. I was able to use it frequently when I flew down to visit the school and didn’t have a car. Cal Poly is more of a classic college town while San Diego is a large city with multiple colleges in the area. When I was in San Diego I had a great time meeting people from all of the different schools there. You can’t go wrong with whatever you choose. I was incredibly close to committing to SDSU, but Cal Poly stole my heart at the last second. One last thing, this is the first year that Public Health is an available major at Cal Poly, while it has been at SDSU for a long time. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions about either school, because I’ve researched them pretty thoroughly. And who knows, maybe I’ll see you in my Public Health classes at Cal Poly next year. Good luck!

I don’t know how to DM on here but yeah I just got back from SLO today and im still indecisive. cal poly is labeled as the “better school” but I have always been a big city type of person, but ive gone to a tiny high school these past four years which I have been so comfortable at which I think cal poly will be similar too. SDSU has just more to do outside campus and since it is a bigger city there are more opportunities for internships and jobs. I’m still indecisive but hopefully the answer comes to me

Seems like SDSU would be an environment that is more suited to you – there’s definitely not much to Cal Poly, and ‘outdoorsy’ seems to be what lots of people do. SDSU is also an excellent school; I don’t think there’s much difference between the two academically.

I live in SD and have a bacherlors and masters from SDSU. My daughter is going to SLO. The difference are really stark with regard to atmosphere. SDSU is very urban and most people move off campus after their freshman year and try to move to the beach. Which is great but its expensive and you’re doing a lot of driving to hook up with friends. School size is very different - SDSU has 33,000 faculty and staff and SLO has 19,000 so its a much bigger campus. SDSU has a very good public health program and the community colleges nearby have supporting health programs. Grossmont (CC) has a huge nursing program and public heath program.