Cal Poly vs UC - How Are You Deciding?

I look at Cal Poly’s “learn by doing” approach as excellent for students headed into their professional lives following graduation. I wonder if it might be less compelling to a law school/grad? I’m not sure. Perhaps they have some placement data.

That does make sense although I see they have a 3+3 program with UC Hastings.

I can’t seem to locate placement data for all law schools. Does anyone know where to find it?

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If you go to UC Law SF (no longer called Hastings) class profile, they list the top 7 universities represented. They don’t appear to be in alphabetical order so I would assume the top school has the greatest number of students at UC Law SF.

The order is: Berkeley, UCLA, Davis, UCSB, UCSD, UCI and SLO.


My suspicion is that is also the order of the student populations, so we might not be able to infer much if normalized on a per capita basis.

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UCSC also has a 3+3 JD program with UCSC, but UCSC isn’t represented in that list of 7 universities being represented at UC Law SF.

My daughter has narrowed it down to Cal Poly SLO (Public Health) and UC Davis (Genetics and Genomics). I hope she picks SLO for so many reasons already discussed above (smaller classes taught by professors, learn by doing, undergrad research opportunities, internships, easily available college advising and career counseling, and I will add lower cost (!)), but currently she says she is leaning towards Davis. I find this interesting as pre-application when we visited both she seemed to fall in love with SLO during our COSAM tour (the tour guides were just so great and even talked about the hands-on learning done by public health students which fired my daughter up, the campus was beautiful, she said it was the right size for her, and everywhere we looked there were very engaged happy students milling around or working in groups). In contrast, when we visited Davis she seemed less enamored (“It’s too spread out” and “It’s okay”) were her main comments. I was really talking Davis up at that time and she remained neutral. Anyway, now she’s leaning towards Davis because 1. she is really interested in exploring genetics and feels more strongly about that then public health right now, 2. there are a lot more science majors to choose from at Davis if she decides she wants to change to something other than genetics, 3. Davis is so much more racially diverse (she is bi-racial) and she is concerned about how she might feel at SLO, and 4. one of her friends who got into both is “leaning towards Davis also.” Her older brother who got denied by SLO two years ago goes to UC Berkeley so we have some UC experience and while it has been a good fit for him and he is really happy there, I think a college experience like that (e.g. giant school, huge classes initially, no connections with professors, times of chaos/ disorganization such as during the recent TA strike) would be much more daunting to her not be the best fit. Her brother is much more outgoing and unflappable. She is more introverted and sensitive/thoughtful. While Davis seems much more chill than Berkeley, I am imagining just due to size, it still requires dealing with a lot more bureacracy and other headaches than SLO, with the exception of finding off-campus housing). I realize I am heavily biased toward SLO for her and maybe I need to just stop, but it’s really hard. She has signed up for both admitted student days so I am hoping that will help her decide. Any other thoughts or advice between these two choices? Anything else she or I are not thinking about that we might consider? Thank you.

This will solidify it for her, one way or the other. A the end of the day, she has to go with her gut, and it will be right. Congrats on two good options for her.

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My older son was more introverted/quiet and did have a somewhat difficult time his first year at UC Davis, but once he got his footing (so to speak), he loved Davis for the many reasons your Daughter is leaning towards the campus. In the end, they will be the ones spending 4 years there so their decision to make.

The Davis Berkeley shuttle can make it easy for her to visit her brother at UCB if that is an option? Davis-Berkeley Shuttle


can CE change into CS with ease in case they dont like EE classes( cal poly SLO) ?
i know you cannot change to SE.


For which school?

I think it is common for students to change their thinking about what they like and want in the months between applications and acceptances. Not just in terms of campuses, but also in terms of majors.

I also think Davis is less like Berkeley and more like SLO in terms of the student culture.


sorry just edited:)

Yes, my son has had a lot of changes in his thinking about colleges and majors since November! It’s tough when you have to pick a major in order to apply to a UC or CSU. A couple of them allowed him to change his applied major in the middle of the process. For some of them, he would now like to change his choice. So now that he is choosing among acceptances, he is putting a lot of emphasis on flexibility.


Here is the change of major policy for SLO: Changing Majors Within the College of Engineering - Engineering Student Services - Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

However, SLO will NOT be accepting change of majors for the foreseeable future from majors outside of those originally admitted to: CPE, GENE, or SE.

So, at the moment you cannot change into CS unless you are admitted into General Engineering, Software Engineering or Computer Engineering. EE cannot switch.

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so this holds for incoming fall students 2023?

and sorry I meant EE classes that CE students need to take and CS doesnt like circuit design .


We’re deciding between Davis and Cal Poly as well. My son is leaning toward Davis. I kind of wonder if he’ll change his mind after admitted student visits. He’s never been to Davis and has only visited Cal Poly as a little brother. He’s liking some of the programs Davis offers for physics and mildly concerned about major changes at Cal Poly. I’m hoping he gets a strong vibe on campus.

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So accepted as CE/Computer Engineering? Yes, this major can change majors to CS for the current school year. It can always change later.

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so they can change anytime in coming 23-24 year?

As of now there are no restrictions for a CE to change to the CS major except on meeting the change of major requirements outlined in the link. You might want to talk to someone in the Department to make sure they will not change the process for Fall 2023.

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How would you rate cal poly slo in regards to engineering /computer science with UC’s .
like which UC would be comparable to SLO in terms of return of investment ?