Cal State application...D and F grades [repeated at a different school]

In preparing for the Cal State application opening soon, I’m trying to understand how to enter “repeated” courses. My daughter got a D and an F sophomore year (second semester. Math and second semester Spanish). She refused to do summer school at her high school but instead did an online independent study school and repeated those two classes (and is continuing with this school for the rest of high school). But since they aren’t the same exact class it looks like she may have to list those previous grades on the cal state app. Is that the case? The independent study school says they’ll suppress those grades on their transcript but will she have to send in both transcripts if she gets accepted somewhere? In that case, they’ll see the D and F for the original school.


Yes, if she did not repeat the exact same class at her HS, she has to report both the original class and grades along with repeat class and grades.

Once she decides where she wants to attend, then she will need to send both transcripts.

If she is applying to any UC’s, regardless of where she repeated her classes, the UC’s require you report original and repeat grades.

Only the higher repeat grades will be factored in her GPA calculation.


Page 22 of says the following:

It looks like since the courses were repeated / remediated at a different school, both the original and repeat courses must be reported on the CSU application.


Thanks, that’s kinda what I figured but didn’t know for at cal stat when it says to only enter classes that fulfill a-g. In which case, the F, at least, doesn’t really fulfill a-g. That’s why I thought perhaps she didn’t have to include it


My daughter is a senior applying to CSU schools. She failed geometry her freshmen year semester 1 with a D. Repeated the same exact geometry for semester 1 class in the summer at the same school going into sophomore year and passed with a B. I know she only needs to report the highest grade. However, where does she report the highest grade on the application? Does she put that she got a B in geometry 9th grade semester 1 because the B is now replacing the D for semester 1? or does she add the B to 10th grade summer ?

Answered on your other discussion thread but there are 2 YouTube Video’s I linked.

See the 10:55 Mark on this video for repeat classes:

when the courses repeated in different high school, title is different for my son. He repeated in OFY and his GPA is impacting. His GPA is reducing compared to if he could have repeated in the same high school.
We got approved with counselor before retaking the course in different high school.
And if we see the transcript, is it showing same course name and same course title, but in Cal State site for the specific course in OFY the dropdown titles are different.
Is there any way I can put the repeated course under same high school or make as same title so that my son’s GPA will not reduce? your reply really matters to us, and we will be really thankful if you reply, as we are observing this issue in last minute and not finding any help since schools are closed and not able to get the response from counselor.

No, the CSU application information is pretty specific about how to report the repeat classes. The schools will evaluate his overall self reported academic information so they will not just go by the CSU reported on the application. They will see the repeat course and will evaluate accordingly.

Transcripts need to match self reported information.

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