Cal State Fullerton Rescinded?


I am a high school senior planning to attend Cal State Fullerton in the fall. The conditions of my admission are the following,

— Complete all your remaining A-G coursework with grades of “C-” or better.
– Adhere to all deadlines.
— You are admitted pending completion of all English courses with at least a “C” or better.
— You are admitted conditionally pending completion of all courses in progress including any Visual and Performing arts course(s) with “C-” grades or better.

I currently maintain all of those points, however I have a D in Honors Math Analysis and am unsure if I will be able to get it to a C-. Does anyone have any insight into what may happen to me?

You need to talk to your guidance counselor AND the admissions office ASAP. It will reflect very poorly on you if they find out upon receiving your final grades. If there is no chance of bringing the grade up, the best you can do is offer to retake the class (or similar) over the summer.

Good luck!

Edited to say: the school may just say it is okay for you to repeat the class in the fall, but they’ll want you to show maturity by accepting responsibility and staying ahead of things.