<p>Any idea of some great upper division classes in CAL?</p>
<p>I can suggest Geography department courses, for example, Geography C110 (Economic Geography of the Industrial World) if Professor Walker is still around, and anything Professor Hart is teaching if you are into Development Studies and really learning to think critically. Also, The Southern Border course is fascinating for those interested in learning about the dynamics, politics, geography, and history of Mexico, its relationship with the USA, immigration, marginalization, etc.</p>
<p>L&S usually lists a few highly popular courses per semester, such as “Physics for Future Presidents.” </p>
<p>I also suggest looking into the “special topics” courses in your major or in a field you are interested in, which are sometimes taught by visiting professors. For example, I took History of Modern Italy (and learned about the history, politics, and geography of Italy) from a professor who normally teaches at the university in Perugia, and it was great. There were only 13 people in the class and we were all invited to the prof’s home for homemade pasta, wine, and conversation at the end of the semester. Probably my favorite course was a special topics course on the geography, history, economics, transition, and culture of post-socialist/post-Soviet spaces. Part of my family’s background is Serbian, so it was quite interesting to learn more about Yugoslavia, etc., and it tied in nicely with my major and interest in Urban Planning since we read about the transition of Berlin’s urban, public, and “memory” spaces.</p>
<p>And of course, Ananya Roy’s classes are always very popular. She teaches in the Dept. of City Planning (Urban Studies, etc.). I highly recommend her to anyone interested in urban or development theory.</p>