Cal vs UCSB for CHEM E

<p>cuz I just got into booooooooooth.</p>

<p>This is such a tough decision for me, and I'm looking for some guidance. </p>

<p>On the one hand, Cal's engineering program is undoubtedly one of the best in the world, but UCSB is also really well regarded and there's a voice in the back of my head that tells me I would perform better without the added pressure of Cal's notoriously competitive environment. I managed the grades to get in, but I'm really no genius and I'm uncertain I'd be able to thrive there. Does that sound like a cop out or like a valid consideration? </p>

<p>I'm really looking forward to the opportunity to do research, and I have to wonder if maybe it would more available in a school where I wasn't quite so pathetic looking compared to my peers? </p>

<p>What other factors should I be taking into consideration?</p>

<p>I was stuck on UCSB for so long that when my Cal decision caught me off guard it threw me for a bit of a spin. Input is appreciated highly!</p>