Calc 2 profs are on myBama!

<p>Yeah! Maybe the CS profs are listed too.</p>

<p>I was just going to post this. :slight_smile: It looks like the Math department has announced the instructors for almost every section of every math course.</p>

<p>Yay, thanks for the update! Just looked Jon Corson up on ratemyprof and he gets good marks :slight_smile: TBA is still showing up for CS 160, though.</p>

<p>kind of concerning but what can you do?
three of DSs profs either have no comments or do not show up at all on ratemyp…
Aaron Drew - Drawing 2 (looks like he is a first-timer)
Jeffrey Carver - CS315
Jingyuan Zhang - CS351</p>

<p>anyone have any input on these guys?</p>

<p>Any comments on Wei Hsia for Calc I?</p>

<p>When I can’t get any information about a teacher I google the teachers name, UA, and the word “syllabus”.
I did this for Alex Zhang and I see syllabi for many of his classes. You can get a sense of how they run their class by what is in the syllabus.
This is his website. [Dr</a>. Alex Zhang - People - The College of Engineering - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Dr”></p>

<p>Sorry, I don’t personally know of the teachers you mentioned.

<p>^^^Wow, that’s a good idea.</p>

<p>Son was looking up calc teachers, and he went to the faculty page on the math home page. He clicked on the teacher’s name to find out a little bit about them, like where they went to school, what they studied, and chose his options from there. Most of the professors that are listed for the times he can take the class are not on rate my prof, and the one who his friends have taken has no openings. He did email the prof to see if he can be put on the waitlist, but since he has to take this course in sequence, he put himself in a section with somebody he got a good vibe for when he looked up his bio.</p>

<p>Any comments on Wei Hsia for Calc I?</p>

<p>My son had him for Math 353 and liked him.</p>

<p>He’s friendly and likes to send funny emails to his students. He does this thing with Photoshop to make funny pics…like pics of his kids with oversized items and stuff.</p>

<p>Jingyuan Zhang - CS351</p>

<p>He goes by Alex Zhang…he’s been at Bama for awhile.</p>

<p>Jeff Carver’s page…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Aaron Drew
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My son also had Wei Hsia. Had very positive things to say about him.</p>

<p>Any feedback for Adam Schweiger or Amrita Acharyya for Diff. Eq.? Was kind of surprised that some sections of Math 238 are being taught by graduate students. Is this usual?</p>

<p>Thanks M2k, didn’t pick up on Zhang being Alex, makes a big difference!</p>

<p>Unfortunately, looks like DS got bit with the Drawing 2 switcheroo, I can see if it was a TBA but originally the section had a different and highly reviewed prof. which is why he chose it. Underwhelmed at these results.</p>


<p>what is wrong with Aaron Drew?</p>

<p>Last year my son carefully chose his OChem prof because he’s pre-med and needed a great prof. A week before classes started a new prof was named. He turned out to be wonderful.</p>

<p>^PMing you</p>

<p>Did a quick drop/add on calc II. Only a couple of seats left in most sections if anyone wants to make a change…</p>

<p>I’ve actually made a point to choose sections taught by grad students (usually final semester PhD candidates) and new professors. They ended up being some of my favorite classes and I’m disappointed that I’m not able to take any more classes taught by them as they are now at other universities.</p>

<p>I’m glad to hear that others recommend Dr. Hsia as I’m currently scheduled to take his Math 355 class.</p>

<p>It’s also looking like I’ll be having class from 10 am to 7:45 pm on MW.</p>

<p>Thanks for the positive feedback, SEA. Son had a new professor in his first semester and was impressed with his teaching caliber. However, he’s never had a grad student teach a course. With the two faculty sections, one did not fit his schedule and the other got a poor rating.</p>

<p>My son will be happy to hear the one of his math classes has Bruce Trace is the professor. He is excellent. Am I right, M2CK?</p>

<p>Sea_tide, gotta love the schedule. At least you start at 10 a.m. My son has two math classes. One is at 7:45 a.m. The other is at 8 a.m.</p>

<p>Yes…Bruce Trace is VERY good. </p>

<p>I’ve actually made a point to choose sections taught by grad students (usually final semester PhD candidates)</p>

<p>Neither of my kids have had PhD students teach any courses, but I wouldn’t be afraid of that. My son will be teaching during his later years as a PhD student and I know he’d do a great job. </p>

<p>Correction, son had a PhD student teach his Jogging class. lol</p>

<p>Any specific feedback on James Wang for Hon Calc? Rate my professor doesn’t sound very favorable and I noticed several drops from his class once profs were announced. If choice was honors Calc with Wang or regular with Allen what would you choose? Also, who is the best choice for physics? None of the profs listed get very good reviews and I don’t recall reading any pre-med kids raving about any great physics profs. Since you have to take 2 semesters of physics to fulfill those pre-med requirements I thought I would have seen more reviews or maybe I just missed them.</p>