Calc 2 profs are on myBama!

<p>Both boys liked Wang.</p>

<p>S got Rishad Shamorov for Precal. He is a grad student, anyone know anything about him? S needs all the help he can get, like a good prof for math.</p>

<p>momreads, I will concur that Bruce Trace is definitely one of the best math professors at UA.</p>

<p>As for grad students teaching courses, it’s much the same as having a high school teacher or community college instructor teaching the course as everyone will still have a masters.*</p>

<p>*Some high school teachers only have a bachelors or their masters may not be in mathematics.</p>

<p>^ good point SEA_Tide!</p>

<p>^^^My son had Paul Allen for Calc I and really liked him. He highly recommends him.</p>

<p>Anyone know about Martin Evans for Calc II? Ratemyprofessor sounds favorable.</p>

<p>YES! Son had Evans for both Calc II and III and really liked him; he learned a great deal from Prof. Evans.</p>

<p>My son has Evans also.</p>

<p>Yes, both sons like Martin Evans.</p>

<p>Idinct…I don’t know anything about that grad student…</p>

<p>Here’s what to tell your son. As soon as school starts, he needs to sign up for tutoring at Center for Teaching and Learning. I’ll pm you my son’s name. He’s a very good tutor. The tutoring is free. Bama pays the tutor. </p>

<p>Your son can sign up for tutoring online and make appts with the tutor he wants.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>CTL is being renamed: Center for Academic Success</p>

<p>Does anyone know of Tsun-Zee Mai for math 125? DD has a hearing impairment and accented English can sometimes be difficult to understand.</p>



<pre><code>* M.S. - Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 1979

  • Ph.D. - University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 1986

<p>Do you know how accented his English is? I don’t know if he’s from the US or if he’s an immigrant, but from the above it indicates that he’s been here at least since about 1977 or so.</p>

<p>My D had Martin Evans for calc 2. She said he was very nice and made sure everyone understood the material. There were no surprises on the tests and the homework wasn’t bad.</p>

<p>She also had James L Wang for honors calc 3. He was easy to understand after a couple of classes. He made an effort to make sure the his accent wasn’t a problem. He assigned a lot of webaasign homework and quizzes. On each test, all problems but one were straight from the homework.</p>

<p>We just checked to see who was teaching my D math class, it is Roy Fechner. He has terrible ratings on “rate my professor”, we found three other classes at the the time with teachers that had very good ratings. Math is her weakest subject, we would like to get her changed to another class. Can we change, if so, how do we do it?</p>

<p>@m2ck Yes, I was wondering if he might have a strong accent. The rate my professors for Tsun-Zee Mai are mixed, so I would like to hear from anyone who has had him for their opinions. Yes, I know I’m helicoptering! DD doesn’t seem concerned at all.</p>

<p>*Can we change, if so, how do we do it? *</p>

<p>Go to add/drop</p>

<p>In the box on the bottom of the page, put the CRN number in the box of the class that you’re adding. For the class that you’re dropping, go to the drop down menu on the same page and indicate “drop” …then press register on the bottom.</p>

<p>@Juniebug - - don’t worry, I’ve been helicoptering too! I checked every couple of hours for an open section of ENGR131, to get DS into a section with a better professor.</p>

<p>Most of the sections are taught by Sandra Woods, who has awful ratings on RatemyP. Some of her comments are:</p>

<p>“If i had an option of A.Taking her class again or B.Amputating my own leg with a dull deer antler i would choose B”<br>
" Hitler had more sympathy for the jews than she does her students"</p>

<p>Luckily, one seat came open this evening in another section with a professor with who has good ratings (and a chili pepper too!)</p>

<p>Wake210, you are my hero!</p>

<p>… thanks… :)</p>

<p>Keep an open mind when you read those reviews about a professor. If you are not doing well in a class, you may just think it’s all the professor’s fault and say some things that are not true about his/her teaching. Meanwhile, perhaps the students did not devote much time to studying, etc. </p>

<p>There are professors (or teachers at the high school level) who get incredible ratings because they are cool. You do not learn anything in the class, but they are cool. I had a high school English teacher who was hated by the kids. She was too hard. That’s all I heard. I stuck with the class, put in the studying time and gained the only final exam exemption she gave that year. She turned out to be an outstanding teacher, and much of what she taught, I still can use.</p>

<p>^That is a great example why one should consider more than an instructor’s ratings when selecting classes.</p>

<p>That said, I’ve found that I learn better in classes with “easier” grading and more personable instructors. This isn’t saying that I can’t do well in classes taught by more “difficult” instructors, but the latter is not nearly as an enjoyable or rewarding of an experience. One of my favorite instructors has an easiness rating of 4.9/5.0, but he was full of useful knowledge and experience in the subject and I still remember almost everything I learned in his class.</p>