Calc 2 profs are on myBama!

<p>Any thoughts on Hsia versus Evans for Calc II?</p>

<p>Well, this is a blast from the past! I do <em>LOVE</em> it when CC’ers actually do homework and research before just re-asking the same questions in new threads! Yay! It also gives us a chance to reminisce…</p>

<p>You can use the Advanced Search feature on this UA forum to look for “Evans” and for “Hsia” and see what comes up. There was chatter about Evans recently. Don’t know Hsia. S had Evans for Linear Alg and friends had him for Calc II. He will make you work (and appreciate) math. He truly wants you to understand it and can be perceived as difficult for that reason.</p>

<p>Daughter had Evans for Calc II first semester last year and LOVED him. Highly recommend.</p>

<p>Evans is great, do not know anything about Hsia.</p>

<p>aeromom - </p>

<p>I confess I was one of those CC’ers who did not do my homework and research old threads before posting questions last year. I will be the first to admit I am technologically challenged, and for a very long time did not even realize one could pull up old threads. I was SO nervous the first time I posted, silly as it may sound. Everyone was gracious and helpful in their replies to me, I felt extremely welcomed. It would be a shame if new posters were discouraged from asking questions because they may have been answered previously. I admit I am tickled to see all the ‘newbies’ laughing and sharing and fretting about the same exact issues I was dealing with last year. Fear not, ye timid posters, no one could have more cringe-worthy posts than some of mine!</p>

<p>I could!!!</p>

<p>Now, now, NRDMOM - no one ever cringed at your posts. Especially not me. I <em>never</em> thought “What has my poor sweet son gotten himself into?” upon learning you were my fellow room mommy. Never.</p>

<p>TXA - there are good cringe-worthy CC posters and bad cringe-worthy CC posters. You are mostly in the good category. ;)</p>

<p>I am astounded that TXA has more posts than me (cringe or no cringe)…and I don’t think TXA D is at 'bama yet?!</p>

<p>68 days til move-in.</p>

<p>Roll (sniff, sniff) Tide!!!</p>

<p>Of course, she decided on BAMA long before the application became available last summer, so all our attention has been focused here.</p>

<p>As it should be. ;)</p>

<p>^^^^All y’all make me laugh and smile!! :)</p>

<p>My D had Dr. Evans for Calculus 3 and thought he was great.
Good luck with registration!</p>

<p>So glad TXA that you are posting a lot, as you are my go-to gal, and now you can figure it out and I can appreciate your info!!!</p>