Calc BC topics question

<p>I just finished Ch 7 in my Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic by FInney, Demana, Waits and Kennedy. </p>

<p>From the rest of the book, are these topics tested:</p>

<p>-Relative rates of growth, transitivity of growing rates
-Using partial fractions to solve integrals (not the one with logistic growth)
-Trigonometric Substitution
-Vectors, vector-valued functions
-Modeling projectile motion (with vectors and drag coefficients)</p>

<p>Are these topics tested on the AP test?</p>

<p>Im in Calc BC too and I know for a fact that relative rates, partial fractions, trig substitutions (for integration?) is on the test because we already covered them. Vectors I think is the last topic we are doing according to our syllabus. I’m not sure about projectile motion…</p>

<p>I took bc last year and i think my class used the same book.
Trig substitution was not on the AP test. My class did not even
cover it. I’m not 100 percent sure about the other stuff but I think
you should know it, and its not that hard.</p>

<p>Hello fellow Calc BCer,
Our class has done trig sub, partial fractions, and we are currently on Vectors. I am not sure about projectile motion though (We did that in Physics, so yeah…) As for the AP test, I think they are pretty important (Partial fractions and trig sub are not that hard, even if for some reason they don’t come on the test).</p>

<p>What about limits and derivatives?
Did you take calc ab before? And is your class spending the
entire year on bc topics? If so then thats kinda weird because my class
did ab and bc topics in one year.</p>

<p>oh sorry I should have said this before:
I’m self-studying BC.
Did AB last year and got a 5, but the BC topics look terrifying.</p>

<p>Some topics seem just sorta redundant like the relative rates of growth and vectors and projectile motion (I’m only referring to the stuff in my book).</p>

<p>Ok I’m getting different answers…</p>

<p>i took BC last year and there was nothing on trig substitution, vectors and projectile motion on the AP test. if you self-studied for the AB test and got a 5 on it then you should not worry about BC - the only part i would really understand for the test would be taylor and mcclurian series because they make a decent part of the BC test and not a lot of students really understand them</p>