Calc II Problem

<p>I am currently a student at Kennesaw State University and am looking to transfer to Geogria Tech in the fall. I am taking calc I next semester and planning to taking calc II in the summer as a maymester/short-session course. I am having trouble, however, finding a school that offers this course during that period. Are there any schools where I could take calc II as a maymester/short-session course?</p>

<p>i think you’re screwed. GT asks you to have your required courses complete in the term previous to the term when you make your application. i’m 99% sure, but check with the transfer admissions people. on a positive note, they do take spring transfers so if you take calc 2 over the summer you should be well positioned for january entry.</p>

<p>See I don’t though cause I went to a transfer student and talked with one of the officials there and they never mentioned anything like.</p>

<p>From <a href=“Blow the Whistle! (404 error: page not found) | Undergraduate Admission”>Blow the Whistle! (404 error: page not found) | Undergraduate Admission;

<p>“None of the required courses may be taken at Georgia Tech as they are actual pre-requisites for admission consideration. They must be completed at another institution before an admission decision can be made.”</p>

<p>This means that they won’t look at your application until you have completed the required courses. Oh, and they mean it, too: I just applied there and they simply would not look at my application because I was missing the English composition courses even though I had a 3.98 GPA after 2.5 years in an electrical engineering program.</p>