Calc II registration question

<p>You guys are such a wealth of information, I thought I’d ask our questions here again. D plans on taking Calc II, but it won’t let her sign up for it because it says she doesn’t have the prerequisite. Is there a way she can input her AP credit now or does she have to wait till July when her score arrives? Can her advisor give her some sort of override? Thanks!</p>

<p>Exact same scenario with DS1 last year. Her advisor will give her an override at BamaBound - just ask.</p>

<p>Even the Calc I kids had this problem at Bamabound. The advisor will put in an override for you. The system wants to see that you have the pre Calc math. Since an adequate ACT score will allow you to go straight into Calc I, you’ll need to get an advisor override to even register for Calc I if you don’t want to take the AP credit and retake Calc I.</p>

<p>Okay, thanks. Guess she’ll have to email her advisor and ask for that. Wish he would respond as fast as ya’ll do :)</p>

<p>Rose…is your D at Bama Bound now? Or did she already attend?</p>

<p>Do you need to bring any documentation to Bama Bound to show your AP scores? Also, will the advisor’s provide an override based on anticipated scores for AP test already taken but not yet scored?</p>

<p>no documentation on the APs needed as the new ones aren’t in yet and all will be sent with those ones.
Yes, they will override/schedule on the assumption that you passed your tests.
Rose808 - if you have not gone to BB yet no need to pre-contact the advisor. They will be there to work individually with you on your scheduling as needed. I know it sounds hard to believe but the whole BB runs very efficiently and all this will get done when you are there. :)</p>

<p>She’s doing this process a little differently, since we’re located in Hawaii and traveling to BB was going to be a huge expense. Airfare alone is about $800 per person!</p>

<p>Oh…so will she be going to the last BB that is right before school starts?</p>

<p>^ makes sense -
You’ll find that advisors/professors are very willing to work with you by email or over the phone. :)</p>

<p>Will the registration system recognize that you have taken the Math Placement Test and can be placed in Calc I based upon your placement score or will you still need an override to take Calc I?</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s what she’s doing. Her friends have both actually spoken to their advisors, but she hasn’t been in touch with hers yet. Fortunately her major is pretty simple, so she already registered for most of her classes. She needs get the Calc II, though, so she can register for another 2 classes that have a math pre-req. Other than that, she’s done :)</p>

<p>Oh, unless she decides to take an honors seminar of some sort. She’s waiting to talk to her advisor about that.</p>

<p>If you have a certain math ACT score, you will not have to take the placement test. However, son did have to get an override to register for Calc I, because the system showed him as not having taken the pre Calc course, which is not necessary to take if you have a commensurate ACT math score. Son said that during the Bama Bound registration session, advisors were walking around to assist students with registration, so other than not being too nervous to raise your hand and ask for help, you should be fine.</p>

<p>To be exempt from the math assessment, you must have scored a 29 or higher on the ACT math test OR a 640 or higher on the SAT math test AND have successfully completed a high school calculus course (grade of C- or higher) or have college math credit. Everyone else must take the math assessment either from home two weeks prior to Bama Bound or at Bama Bound regardless of their ACT/SAT scores. (If you take the assessment at home and aren’t happy with your score you can retake it at Bama Bound).</p>

<p>One thing to watch out for – the “Math Placement” on Degree Works isn’t necessarily related to the math course the student places into when taking the math assessment. My daughter’s math placement test results showed that she placed into calculus, but Degree Works indicated that her Math Placement was Math 110. When we contacted the Degree Works staff we learned that Degree Works showed her math placement as Math 110 because it is the lowest level math course that she can take that will fulfill her degree requirements. They also told us that she would have no trouble registering for any math class she wants to take up to Calc I (but she will take a copy of the Math Assessment results and the email from Degree Works with her to Bama Bound just in case).</p>

<p>Are there only certain colleges that have advisors that will override for expected AP credit? I took 3 tests this year and am expecting to pass all of them, but the advisors at my bama bound session said I had to wait until the scores came in to get into classes that had them as prerequisites. (I am in the college of education if that has anything to do with it)</p>


<p>Good question. I thought that all colleges allowed this. I know that A&S and Col of Eng do, but maybe all colleges don’t.</p>

<p>You might email an advisor and mention that the other colleges allow this and ask for an over-ride.</p>