<p>I'm going to be a first year this upcoming fall, and I was wondering if there were any thoughts concerning the different calculus III classes.</p>
<p>I took multivariable my senior year through a local university but didn't receive college credit for it, so I plan to re-take it in the fall semester before I forget everything. I received a B+ in the class but still don't feel like I have a thorough enough understanding of all of the concepts, especially since I intend to minor in math.</p>
<p>I did also take an into to linear alg class last year, a topic which is touched on in honors from what I read, if that's at all pertinent.</p>
<p>So basically I guess I'm wondering if it's worth it to go with honors. Any input would be appreciated :)</p>
<p>I’ve only heard good things about honors. As long as you are willing to put in the work, you probably won’t regret your decision either way.</p>
<p>I have a couple friends who took the honors version and really enjoyed it – there’s a lot more theory covered, so if that sort of thing intrigues you, take the honors version.</p>
<p>Okay thanks for your input
I’ve decided to go with Honors, mostly because I don’t really want to learn the exact same material again.</p>
<p>I’ve actually heard horror stories about honors. Supposedly you cover calc 3 material for only a month of the class and then go on to study a little bit of PDE, linear and god knows what else. Grade distributions tend to be alright but i heard it honestly isn’t worth the aggravation. I’d recommend just taking the non-honors version with Tom Kriete. I had him for Diff Eq and he is a pretty chill professor.</p>
<p>Is there a huge difference in difficulty/time commitment between the two?</p>
<p>I took honors in fall 2008 with Rapinchuck. There is a big difference between the two in terms of both time and difficulty. If you’ve already done multivariable, then regular calc3 will be a pretty easy review. You probably won’t need to spend more than a couple hours a week on HW and studying. </p>
<p>Honors covers far more material, much of it not even calculus. You are expected to grasp new topics more quickly. This requires most students to spend more time reviewing. I think I remember the Prof saying that he expected us to dedicate an hour a day to the class. I didn’t average quite that much, but not too much less. </p>
<p>Spend a week in class deciding whether you want to go with honors. You can always switch out before the shopping period closes.</p>