Calculating EC hours

<p>A question about how to calculate the number of hours for extra-curricular activities that are asked for on the UC and Cal State applications. Maybe this is obvious, but I want to make sure my son fills in the right number. S spends 20-40 hours/week in marching band during the season, which lasts for 3 months. So let’s assume 120 hours/month for 3 months, or 360 hours total. Does this then get divided by 52 weeks for an average of 7 hours/week? Is there any way to indicate the intensity of the time commitment for certain ECs? </p>

<p>How do other people sum up their hours? Is 7 hours/week considered significant or somewhat lacking?</p>

<p>Here’s from the Cal Poly website:</p>




<p>On the UC app you put hours per week and weeks per year, so for band, your son could put 30 hours per week, 12 weeks per year.</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Thanks FresnoMom :)</p>