Calculating GPA to a 4.0 Scale

Hey CC! I just have a question regarding converting my weighted high school GPA to a 4.0 scale. Do u have any reliable websites to do so (every website I use seems to give me a different result). Also, with regards to college courses taken during high school, would they count towards high school gpa if they are not counted as high school credits (it’s a pretty dumb question, I know)? Thanks!

Ask your counselor, there are many different ways GPA can be calculated and colleges will see the GPA that your school calculates.

If you’re filling out some kind of application where they ask for your GPA, you should just report whatever appears on your transcript (or ask your guidance counselor, if they’re asking for something completely different from what you have). If you just want to get an idea of what your GPA would be on a 4.0 scale, you can use the following method.

Take each individual letter grade and assign it one of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 “grade points” according to the following scale:

A = 4 points
B = 3 points
C = 2 points
D = 1 points
F = 0 points

This assumes every class you’ve taken is worth one credit. For half-credit classes, divide the number of points by two.


  1. Add up all the grade points.
  2. Divide this number by the number of credits attempted. If you’ve never failed a class, this is the same as the number of credits you’ve earned. If every class is worth one credit, this is the same as the number of classes you’ve taken throughout your high school career. This is your unweighted GPA.

If you’re really not earning high school credit, they won’t count toward your high school GPA. However, if you’re taking college classes during the school year, you’re probably earning both high school and college credit. Again, ask your guidance counselor if you’re not sure.