Calculating GPA

Hi DD24 is getting her things ready for.US applications from the UK. We have worked what to with gcses to calculate the GPA (and know some colleges will do this themselves and some won’t) but will A level predicted grades also generate a GPA or feed into an overall one or just be ignored for this purpose?

Will colleges consider A-Level predicted grades? Yes. Will they factor into their GPA calculation if, and this is a very big if, they recalculate? Depends on the university.

It may be useful to understand selective colleges may generate an internal academic rating that does not take the form of an internally-calculated GPA. Some sort of internally-calculated GPA may, or may not, be an intermediary part of that process. But for applicants from an A Level system, usually it is understood that predicted A Levels should be considered very important, and yet that might only be reflected in the final academic rating. But that is what typically matters.

So personally, I would not worry about selective colleges not giving your DD24 credit for predicted A Levels. And the exact internal path to how they do that may vary, but the path will probably not make a difference in the final outcome.

Thank you both - very helpful answers and reassuring too

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