Calculating Your Own SAT 2 Scores

<p>Getting one wrong would not yield the same raw score as getting none wrong.</p>

<p>Well, why not? Is it not -1/4 for getting one wrong, giving you XX.75, and then rounding it up?</p>

<p>For WH</p>

<p>95 to 80 = 800 (g:):)d curve)
79 = 790
78 & 77 = 780
76 = 770
75 & 74 = 760
73 = 750
72 & 71 = 740
70 & 69 = 730
68 & 67 = 720
66 = 710
65 & 64 = 700
63 & 62 = 690
61 & 60 = 680
59 & 58 = 670
57 & 56 = 660
55 = 650</p>

<p>Because it is that you fail to consider that missing one would lead you to have ony 74 correct instead of 75.</p>

<p>Got it.
Sorry for my stupid question.</p>

<p>Don't worry about it, everyone makes blunders. In fact I made a horrible one today:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Haha yeah.
Could you post the top few conversions for the Hebrew test (if you even have it?)? Yeah, kind of random.


<p>85 to 84 = 800
83 = 790
82 = 760 <--going down in 20pt increments :eek:
81 = 740
80 = 720
79 = 710
78 = 700</p>

<p>Gah. I got one wrong.
So close, yet so far away.
Hopefully the curve is nicer this time around? :)</p>

<p>edit: Oops just kidding, that would make it a 84...right? I hope so. Unless I made a dumb mistake.</p>

<p>Lol, 1 wrong is still 800!!!</p>

<p>edit: this is an edit for the edit above, ignore what I said. :p</p>

<p>Hah again, I am so out of it...
It's been a long day. :x</p>

<p>Does anyone know how the language w/ listening tests are scored?
I assume they're harsher :/</p>

<p>(and sorry to bump up such an old thread_</p>

<p>Does anyone know the scale/typical curve for French with listening? please?</p>

<p>Tiberian, where are these scales coming from? thanks</p>

<p>they might not read this thread anymore. its over a year old.</p>

<p>if you could post the spanish with listening if you have it, or without if you dont, that would be great.. thanks!!</p>

<p>French w/ Listening:</p>

<p>79-70: 800
69: 790
66: 770
65-64: 760
63: 750
56: 700
49: 650</p>

<p>And lets hope noone gets lower than that.</p>

<p>SAT</a> Subject Tests: SparkNotes Online Study Guides & Test Preparation</p>

<p>Just click on a test and go to the scoring section of it..a quick google search is also do-able..</p>

<p>Spanish w/ Listening:</p>

<p>85-82: 800
81-80: 790
79: 780
78-77: 770
76-75: 760
74-73: 750
72: 740
71: 730
70-69: 720
68: 710
67: 700
61: 650
53: 600</p>

<p>These are all coming from the Real SAT Subject Test book.</p>

<p>mathematics 2 c?</p>