Calculator for engineering student

<p>Which calculator should I get if i plan to major in ME? I am trying to decide between the ti 89 titanium and ti nspire cx cas. Are both equally allowed on exams? Is on model typically more recommended? Thanks!</p>

<p>My brother has the TI89 and it has worked just fine (ME class of 2015). Do not know about the nspire.</p>

<p>I (high school senior) also have the 89, and it works great for everything I have to do (integration, derivatives, systems of equations-that kind of thing and even 3d graphing). If you need to do anything more advanced you should probably be using an actual computer. </p>

<p>As I understand it the N-Spire isn’t that different from the 89, other than the changable keyboards, the OSs are pretty similar.</p>