<p>Does anyone know how to do logs on a TI-89 Titanium? Not ln. Logs. Thanks!</p>
<p>just manually type in log(#) using alpha lock.</p>
<p>Or. goes: to catlogo and selects logs!</p>
<p>You can do that too, but I've found typing in l-o-g to be faster.</p>
<p>If you want log 2 base 5, you can do ln 2 over ln 5 and it'll give you the same result. You don't really need log...</p>
<p>it is pretty weird that they would make the log feature difficult to access though...wouldn't you think log would be used more often than ln?</p>
<p>True, but log base 10 won't be used every single time. You'll still need to do the same thing I did (I don't know the rule :/) if you have a different base. Basically, they probably just ran out of space and assumed ln would be used more. I'm using it a lot more now that I'm in calc...</p>