Calculus BC or Multivariable Calculus?

<p>I am a freshman in high school.
I am currently in Honors Algebra 2 and have a 97 in it.
I am self-studying AP Calculus AB and am sure that I will get a 5 because I have done practice tests and have gotten many 5s.
Should I take AP Calculus BC or Multivariable Calculus w/ Linear Algebra next year?</p>

<p>With just Calc AB you are missing some concepts that are necessary for Multivariable Calculus. Calc AB = Calc 1 (part of Calc 2 as well, actually), Calc BC = Calc 1 + 2, and Multivariable Calc = Calc 3. You’re missing out on a good portion of calc 2 if you don’t take BC.</p>

<p>I will be self-studying BC over the summer then like with AB.</p>

<p>Make sure you take your Calc I and Calc II tests (and get the credits) so you can be placed in Multivariable. I do not necessarily mean AP credits. Get some sort of credit.</p>

<p>If you’re going to do that during the summer then you should be set. It’s been a year since I’ve taken multivariable calculus but as far as I remember the only really important topics for multivariable that are not covered in Calculus AB are integration by parts and the polar and parametric stuff.</p>



<p>Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem, Divergent Theorem, Triple Integrals…</p>

<p>Niquii, did you do Fourier series?</p>


Didn’t use them in the class.</p>



<p>I don’t see what the rush is, are you trying to complete a math degree before you even finish high school?</p>

<p>@Mint Nope :slight_smile: My teacher knew we were over it so he taught something else XP</p>

<p>I don’t see the point in rushing either. Nobody is going to look at your transcript and say “Calc BC in sophomore year? What a slacker.” I took BC as a soph and multivar as a junior, and going that fast kind of backfired because there were no more math classes for me to take this year, so now I sort of co-teach multivar and tutor BC in lieu of taking an actual math class.</p>

<p>If you’re in a magnet school and have infinite math options, do whatever you want, but otherwise I’d suggest taking BC instead of multivar. It’ll be easy, but you’ll have a solid foundation for multivar and you’ll still be ahead of the crowd.</p>

<p>Take BC, it comes before multivariable every sequence I’ve ever seen. Then multivariable, which your school apparently offers. I’d recommend a separate class each of linear algebra and diffyQ if you want to keep doing further math. I took a combined lin alg/diffyQ class in HS and ended up taking both again in their own classes freshman year college, at a more advanced level for both. The combined class (at a 2-year school) was enough for science and engineering majors (and what most take as their last math class), but not for math majors. If you get past those, I’d talk to a college math advisor, since you’re way beyond high school stuff then.</p>

<p>Also, do you want to keep doing math after HS? If so, don’t rush too much, you want a strong foundation if you’re doing anything that needs math (which I assume you will). Like a math major. Or engineering, science, actuary, etc. I use tons of calculus in classes.</p>

<p>In my school most take BC senior year
about twenty kids take multi as seniors after bc junior year (myself included)
a couple take it junior year and a couple (none in my year) have taken it as sophmores like you are talking about. Heck one kid took AP BC as an eight grader. If you’re about math you can do it. Go for it if you feel you can. True you should not rush but only you can decide what rushing is for yourself not people on a forum.</p>