Calculus Prep books

<p>Hey guys. I know there are a lot of good prep books for Calculus BC but are there any books that can help someone become really proficient at Calculus and be very well acquainted with the Calculus BC format. </p>

<p>I know that a good prep book can do both, but I was wondering if you guys had any good ideas for general Calculus workbooks. Right now I'm looking into maybe getting Schaums Calculus or the Humongous book of Calculus </p>

<p>Any other ideas? Advice would be great</p>

<p>iam a spoh and usedbarrons princeton and petersons as prep books... for barrons,, you have a lotof practice exams that are very good and i find teh multiple choice very similar to those on the exams... i like it best</p>

<p>thanks. more advice please</p>