Calhoun Discovery Program

Hi, did you apply early decision? If so, what was your Honors Status noted today when admission results were released?

@StartJumping No, the honors college admission comes out later, in a letter i belive, the admission just said they will notify us for honors college admission at a later time.


@a student trying to get into college - how did your interview go? Is honors college admission different than Calhoun? They didn’t tell my son timing for decisions for Calhoun. Did they tell you?

I think it went well, I’m not really sure, I think if you make Calhoun you’re in the honors schools, but if you don’t then it depends. I know the requirements to maintain honors is lower for Calhoun students. They didn’t tell me either, just told me they would keep in touch and let me know at a later date, that’s all. How did your son’s interview go?

be approachable, they put an emphasis on being able to work with people and a lot of the questions will be about that. Also it’s a transdisciplinary program so if the opportunity is available talk about how you fit into that. Ask questions

I think he would say the same! Good luck!

I got my honors acceptance letter. So now I suppose just to wait on the Calhoun decision! good luck to your son as well!

Hi, I was wondering if anyone had heard back about the CDP decision yet?

No, have you? We were told it would be “later this week.”

Nothing yet here and I’m driving my kiddo crazy asking to check email. :smiley:

What is your student’s major? Mine is BIT.

How do you know it will come out this week? Also, it comes in the mail I heard, not email. I thought it would come out next week

Offer packages were mailed today. Declines will be done through email. Not sure on timing of those. Anyone know?

Where did you hear that? and were they sent out today? or will people be receiving them today?

Person answering phones at HC said they were mailed today.

ok, so I suppose we find out in the next few days! good luck to everyone

Thanks for the info!

??? And good luck to all!

Letter has arrived. Son isn’t home to open.