Transferring from a well established Los Angeles Area JC.
Economics or business major depending on the school. Really enjoy either
GPA 3.8
Straight As except two Bs in Calc 1 and 2 which is my biggest problem
Extracurricular Activities:
Student government Mathmatical Sciences Division Representative
Honors transfer program
Work about 20-30 hours a week
Collegiate swim team
AGS honors society board
Bilingual Japanese/english
USC: Business (strong transfer connection with my school)
UCLA: Transfer Alliance program Econ or Biz econ? with stats as back up major (91% acceptance rate with TAP from my school)
UCB: Political econ or econ? ( I think i have a sure shot with political econ, all transfers are pre econ so I can apply with the econ majors once I transfer?)
UCSB: Accting/Econ Transfer Admission Guarantee
Cal Poly Slo: finance
Pomono Pitzer Econ
Claremont Mckenna Econ
Cornell Econ YOLO
NYU Econ
UVA Business
U MICH econ
UT Austin Econ
Vanderbilt econ
Northwestern Econ
University of Tokyo
Income: over 250k
Family of 4 with sister going to college in three years
Asian Male
Hey, man. Just wanted to preface my comments / advice with a pat on the back. Your school list is great! So are your stats. I wouldn’t worry about those two B’s they are the least of your worries. You should be more worried about which school you’ll matriculate into!
Great GPA, solid EC’s. What did you get in your SAT’s / ACT’s? If they are lower than the average scores of accepted students at some of those schools, you should maybe think about retaking it.
Assuming you did great on your SAT / ACT, or you plan on killing your retake, you’re stats are looking really nice.
So, a couple of comments.
While it’s great that your family will be able to financially contribute to your education, have you thought a bit about financial aid? Rather, what I mean is, once you receive your acceptances, you should take costs into mind. I say this, due to Claremont McKenna and Pomona being quite expensive, and on top of that, they most likely will not provide aid.
I think you should take up another EC, perhaps something involving your fluency in Japanese and English? I’m sure there are a lot of non-profits out there, especially in the LA area, who assist the Japanese-American community. If you diversify your application with community involvement, I think it’ll make your application stand out a bit more.
Another EC to think about: perhaps finding an internship at a finance firm? I realize that you work, however, it’d also look very good on your application if you’ve immersed yourself in your field, whether it be business or finance.
^ While an internship at a finance firm is cool sounding, it’s unlikely pre-undergraduate. I would recommend trying to find something perhaps working as a bookkeeper assistant or in accounts payable. There will be less competition with actual college students for those
I agree with @philbegas it’s very hard to get internships in the finance sector from a cc. I will also suggest to grab any internship you can get which is related to business
Good luck
With your grades I’d definitely TAG/TAP to ucla . Biz Econ is great there.and highly rated. More reasonable tuition than the privates as you are unlikely to get financial aid at that income level. UCLA is A pretty sweet backup. You can still apply to others to see what kind of merit aid is offered.