California: Do I need to take SAT or ACT?


My daughter is a junior in high school now. We are confused if she should take SAT/ACT or not as Tests are optional for UCs and CalState colleges. We are wondering if they help in any fashion, especially when two students are with exact same admission profiles one with a test scooper and one without.

Appreciate you sharing your experiences.


They are not optional. They are not considered.

No. Because they are not considered.

Whether she needs them for other colleges is a different question


As already mentioned by @skieurope, the UCs and Cal States are test blind, so the SAT/ACT will not be used in admission at all for these schools.

Most private universities and colleges in California accept the SAT/ACT in admissions, as do the majority of other schools in the US. So she may want to take the test if she is applying outside the UC / CSU systems, or if she is not sure where she will be applying and wants to keep her options open. Some schools even require the test. She can check the test policies at schools where she is interested.

The SAT/ACT can also be used to satisfy the Entry Level Writing Requirement at the UCs, if she is not already taking AP or IB English: Entry Level Writing Requirement | University of California


As the others have said, they are test blind. But if there’s any chance your daughter may not attend a UC or CSU then you should take it. It can help for admissions and merit at many schools (if the score is high).

If you are a CA resident, it’s basically a risk free proposition. Can’t hurt but if your list broadens, it can and with a high enough score - will help. Many schools give more merit to test takers.