Calling all cc failures!!!!!

<p>Lol hey guys, decided to make a thread to see how many people are on college confidential that have stats below the ridiculously beyond-perfect stats that people always seem to have on this site...</p>

<p>i can totally see this thread being ignored 'cause im probably the only dumb person on this site but hey who knows!! :)</p>


<p>What are your stats?</p>

<p>lol well i’m still a junior so my stats aren’t really accurate as of now but i’ll just put my estimates for now:</p>

as of last year, 94/100 weighted (our school doesn’t send unweighted GPA’s because we don’t rank), but after this year hopefully i can get it up to a 95ish :(</p>

literally suck at these…2000 superscore
Critical Reading: 600
Math: 680
Writing: 720</p>

got a 31 composite on my first one, but i’m planning to retake it in june
Math: 34
English: 34
Science: 32
Reading: 23…lol
Combined Writing/English Score: 32 (got a 9/12 on my essay)</p>

took my chem exam today (pretty sure i bombed it woohoo) and taking my apush one on friday (def bombing that one lol), and taking ap lang next wednesday even though i didnt take the class (our school offered us the option)…and surely failing that too</p>

<p>SAT II’s
took chem (didn’t think it was that bad but who knows) and history (but i didnt even try and def failed it so i’m not submitting it) last saturday, taking math IIc in june and taking either spanish language or writing in october (does writing even exist anymore?? i can’t seem to find anything about it on the collegeboard site)</p>

Honor Roll all 4 years (still aiming for principal’s list)
Silver Award for National Spanish Exam (all 3 years)
Spanish National Honor Society
National Honor Society
I got that national merit scholarship thing in the mail…so hopefully that means i’ll be a commendable scholar?</p>

Angel Ambassador Program (it has to do with luring 8th graders in to the admissions process at our school…we’re a big time catholic school lol) - 3 years
Big Sister/Little Sister Program Event coordinator- 1 year (part of the ambassador program)
Chorus- 3 years
Debate team- 3 years
Peer tutor- 2 years
Track team- 1 year (soph year- never doing it again good god)
Asian Cultural Society- 2 years
International Night dancer (part of ACS)- 2 years
M.E.D.S. club- 2 years
sophomore retreat planning team (speaker)- 1 year
Literary Magazine (i started submitting stories this year)…idk if this counts as an EC though</p>

Indian Cultural Dance- 12 years and counting
Church choir- 12 years and counting
Lector at my church- 3 years
Church youth group representative- 3 years
Church basketball team- 4 years (we compete in some basketball tournaments over the summer…it’s a summer thing)</p>

Youth group @ church- since June 2009 (we do stuff like volunteering at the food pantry and raising funds through fundraisers for the St. Vincent DePaul Charity)</p>

<p>Holy Name Medical Center- July 2010-May 2011</p>

<p>New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center- Summer 2011 and probably this summer too</p>

<p>Phonathon Caller/Alumnae Relations Promoter- spring 2012 (it was this stupid thing but apparently it looks good on resumes idk)</p>

toastmaster’s international youth leadership program- summer 2009</p>

<p>UMDNJ pre-medical honors program- fall 2009 and HOPEFULLY fall 2012 too…prob missed the deadline or something knowing me</p>

<p>AP Chemistry trip to the Pocono Environmental Education Center (we did this water testing experiment…idk if it counts as something though?)</p>

<p>AND YEA thats that!! i’m hoping to do some doctor shadowing and HOPEFULLY find some research over the summer but honestly thats all i have to offer…and compared to all the super amazing stats that everyone here has i feel so inadequate ;(</p>

<p>POST YOURS TOO @BigDreamsKid !!</p>

<p>80 Average
Waiting on SATs, best guess is in 1900s
AP Psych, taking AP Art History next year
Model UN, Red Cross Club</p>

<p>Yea :confused: Its crazy how much better a place I would be if I just put that extra effort needed for that 85!</p>

<p>Anyone wanna reccomend schools I may have a shot at that aren’t bad? Also safetys?</p>


<p>Also that person above^^^^^^ you dont belong here buddy im skeptical as to whether you actually dont know that</p>

<p>hi dreambig0x! to me your stats don’t sound bad at all… I can totally see you in some ivy league school.</p>

<p>@yunjee95 lets not get carried away -___-
@kshizz LOL this is awkward considering i made the post…but honestly though i dont have what it takes to reach my goals considering they’re near impossible ;(</p>

<p>i really wanna get into a BS/MD or BS/DO program but they’re so freaking competitive and everyone that applies has like perfect stats!!</p>

<p>and @kshizz, what are you interested in majoring in? that helps narrow down what colleges you should aim for</p>

<p>oh i see.
calling yourself a failure will discourage many LEGIT failures ahaha. but I guess there arent too many on this site, quite appropriately. </p>

<p>Not sure but I know its somewhere around biology, journalism, english. if that helps.</p>

<p>haha i second that, it’s actually scary how many perfectly-perfect people they are in the world…</p>

<p>and yeahh it does! for journalism and english you could go for liberal arts colleges, while for biology you might wanna go for a more science-centered college. like for instance, if you’re really into the health professions you could try the albany college of pharmacy & health sciences (at least thats what i think it’s called), university of sciences in philadelphia, and/or massachussetts college of pharmacy and health sciences (i hope i didnt get those names wrong…literally just listing them at the top of my head). but yeah! since you’re not entirely sure what you wanna do i’d try aiming for liberal arts colleges 'cause they start you off by taking a bunch of different classes during your freshman year so you could figure out your interests then. like they might require you to take history, english, etc.etc. just like high school! </p>

<p>your SATs aren’t that bad, a 1900 is actually pretty good for alot of colleges. the ivy’s and more competitive ones are a whole different story (even i dont have a shot at those lol whoo) but you can def make it into the average ones! i dont have any at the top of my head but you could try your state universities.</p>

<p>if i were you, i’d check out your state universities or even private colleges like northeastern, boston university, boston college, etc. (see if you meet their requirements → check the college p r o w l e r website). if you decide to go to one of them, work your ass off (literally- undergrad is really important for your future) and get into a kick ass grad school. it’s possible :)</p>

<p>btw a note about college p r o w l e r (sorry for the awkward spacing, they keep censoring me idk why), when you look up colleges they have some suggestions on the side that are related to the college you’re checking out, so you can broaden your search! just a hint :)</p>

<p>sorry i wasnt really much help lol but i hope the website helps!!</p>

<p>This thread should probably be moved to admissions or somewhere, not chances.</p>

<p>But I’ll play along.</p>

<p>I have a 3.88 UW GPA and a 4.67 weighted GPA, top 3% of my class (Great, right?) but can only get a 1570 on my first SAT try. I just don’t test well. Our school sends kids to Duke, UVA, Miami FL, Richmond, Wesleyan, etc. So it’s not like I’m just in a BS school. Luckily for me, I don’t aspire to be a ivy grad, I would much rather go ROTC through a state school, gain career experience through the military for 5-10 years, then have a decent job afterwords. </p>

<p>And dreambig, you’re being a bit hypocritical of yourself…a 2000+ SAT is very good, and all of your EC’s are very good too. You’re being the same person you spoke of in your first post, thinking you’re a failure but you’re probably in the top 20%(at least) of kids going to a college next year.</p>

<p>@Etuck24 ahaha good point, do you know if i can switch to the admissions board?
aaaand wow those are really good stats! as for the SAT you can def bring it up, or try the ACTs. i didnt do so great on my first SAT but i took the ACT without even studying that much and i got what i got. you seem really smart so you can do it :)</p>

<p>and i get what you and the other person were saying haha now i feel like a total ****** for making this but im just scared cause i feel like i wont have what it takes to get into the programs i wanna apply forrrrr. like you know that feeling? and i keep looking up stuff on here and everyone is like ehgpoahgw perfect and it kinda doesnt help the situation…</p>

<p>PS my school’s one of those schools too. everyone in my school applies for ivy’s and those prestigious double degree programs and theres just so much pressure ugh. like 3 kids from my school got into harvard its ridiculous</p>

<p>but seriously thanks though, the second opinion really helps lol</p>

<p>I think only a moderator can move it, they probably will when they see this. But It’s reasonable for you to feel that way too, beings you want to be a doctor and get into a good pre-med program. I just hope my GPA/Class rank/rigor of schedule will be enough to outweigh my low SAT’s for most places I want to go to.</p>

<p>saaaaame! except i want everything to outweigh my gpa lol when its unweighted its only a 91…and if colleges decide to unweigh it they’re gonna laugh and shred my application lol womp</p>

<p>where are you planning on applying ??</p>

<p>for matches, Penn State first choice, followed by Oklahoma, NC State, Mississippi State, and Indiana. Reaches, Wake Forest (without SAT scores), Miami FL, and FSU. Safties as UNC-A and ECU.</p>

<p>This is an old chance me thread with my stuff on there.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think this is the most amazing thread ever <3
I have a 92-93 unweighted GPA, and I’ve won some awards in Photography, Writing, and Cheerleading.
Varsity Letters in Cheerleading(4 years)and Track(last 2 years of high school)</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities: </p>

<p>National Honor Society(10-12)
Global Community Club(11-12)-President
Prestigious Ladies Of Power(10-12) - President
(Science and Technology Engineering Program)
Black Culture Club-Coordinator</p>

<p>Volunteer Work
-Volunteer Ambulance Corps </p>

<p>Class Rank: Top 15% (May go up~hopefully) </p>

<p>I feel like such an underachiever on CC, with everyone having mostly 4.0’s, and starting businesses.</p>

<p>@Etuck24 wait what does matches mean…and your stats seem pretty good not gonnaa liee! i wanna apply to a college in miami too ahaha i can totally see myself rocking the beach scene :smiley:
but you should def consider retaking your SATs/ACTs if you have the chance…you honestly never know, and it doesnt hurt to try one more time</p>

<p>@Jazmine1423 hehe why thank ya :slight_smile: and yooooo i was considering doing the volunteer ambulance corps thing in my town, is it any good?
and ps ive always wanted to be a cheerleader…never had the skills though lol my jumps and kicks were beyond pathetic</p>

<p>To dreambig0x: you’re hardly a failure… o.0</p>

<p>@pd2013 pero you’re a n00b…</p>