Calling all Huntsman ED applicants

<p>I was just browsing and it seems there are quite a few people who applied to Huntsman ED. Since we're all waiting anxiously for the decisions (less than a month!), I thought perhaps I could start a "fun" thread. I remember there was something like this on facebook last year--fortunately, this is much more anonymous (I'd be mortified if I joined a prospective applicant group on facebook and didn't get in). </p>

<p>Like...what language did you apply with as your target? Where are you from (Since international students make up 40% of Huntsman)? Why Huntsman? Did you choose a school for ED, or just asked to be deferred to regular?</p>

<p>I don't care about statistics, because I think it's silly when people post their statistics--always really high everything and the president and winner of everything. (Yeah, you have a chance of getting in...doesn't mean you will. Just like I have friends who got into Harvard but not Dartmouth and Yale, or Yale and not Harvard).</p>

<p>Anyway, I'll start.
I've applied with Japanese, and it seems like I may have gotten away with not having to take a placement test! I'm currently in Japan for the semester, so taking the SAT II here would have been too much of a hassle for my host family (only offered in Nov), and it seems that they've deemed it unnecessary to send me a test (so far, anyway).
I'm from...uh...actually, I hate this question. I go to a boarding school in NH, but when I'm not at school, I can be found either in downtown Chicago or Naples, Florida. And well, right now I'm in the middle of nowhere, Japan (ok, Kyoto's only a 30 minute train ride away).</p>

<p>Why Huntsman? Well, for awhile I've known I want to do something with Japanese, though I previously had no idea what, so when I found the Huntsman program, it just seemed like a great opportunity. (I'll admit prior to Dec 2007, I had no plans whatsoever of going into business). Also, Huntsman offers you so much in the way of personal attention because it's so small. And the people I've talked to in it love it. And other reasons, but those are the basics.</p>

<p>And in the end, I chose Wharton ED as my choice if I don't get into Huntsman. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do Penn ED if I didn't get into Huntsman, but I loved it when I visited, and it's so much easier to get into Penn early than well, anywhere else early or regular--a bonus. And obviously, it's Wharton.</p>

<p>OH! What did you write about in the Huntsman specific essay? I wrote about China's currency manipulation. I also wrote my essay at the end of August, and because I for some reason was waiting to submit the application, despite it being done, had to totally rework it after mid September (oh, Lehman Brothers)!! Fortunately, I think the revised essay turned out a lot better, but it was really annoying!</p>

<p>Also, factual question: on CC people have said that we find out online December 12...but on the Penn website, it says they mail the decisions December 13, so I assumed we'd also find out online December 13--is that incorrect? Also, anyone know around what time (it seems these things get emailed around 4 or 5 EST). Considering I'm in Japan and 14 hours ahead of EST, the time is kind of important to me!</p>

<p>Wow, this got really long, sorry. It's just that I'm totally shielded from the whole college thing going on at my school since I'm out of the country, so I never talk to people about college besides my parents!</p>

<p>Great topic! I applied with Chinese as my target language because I am a native speaker, but I hope to take classes in Spanish when I’m there as well. Huntsman is my top choice because international business is exactly what I want to do, and the small class size makes it seem such a personal and enjoyable experience. Obviously, it will be challenging, but I am ready for a challenge.</p>

<p>I applied to ED Wharton as well if I don’t get into Huntsman. I wrote about free trade zones and its implications on a multilateral global trade system. A little dry, but I think it was okay.</p>

<p>Haha, I like how your post is about a fifth of the size of mine =P (I hate emoticons/internet speak like haha/lol, but it’s the only way to get across a ‘light mood’ or whatever…)</p>

<p>Haha, no, it’s totally fine. I’m getting pretty prepared to be rejected from Huntsman, so that’s okay.</p>

<p>I know I should be setting myself to expect the worst–but it’s so hard! Especially because the past two years Huntsman has accepted people from my school–so I wonder, could I be that person this year?
And since I’m in Japan, I don’t have all the stress that I normally would have, being at my regular school, so I have too much free time in which my thoughts revert to Penn/mid December, and it’s really a problem. Woooh run-on sentence.</p>

<p>do you by any chance go to exeter? well if you do, i wouldn’t be surprised that there are people accepted from there every year. i was accepted and ready to go there but then things didn’t pan out. i heard they have ridiculous acceptance stats though.</p>

<p>umm i applied for french (though i was debating whether or not to do chinese because i am fluent). technically, my chinese SAT 2 score was higher than my french score by far… but the upenn rep who visited my area told us they just use a cutoff score of 700 and don’t really look at how well you score (as opposed to admitting the most fluent speakers). and the huntsman official i spoke to when i visited campus said to choose french if i was REALLY fluent in chinese. dunno how that works. but i’m sure i can always change if i get in. when i visited penn, my tour guide was in the huntsman program and he was changing from spanish to arabic.</p>

<p>i thought huntsman was just a really cool program to apply to. i’m not TOO optimistic about getting in, but my single choice ED of the College would make me very happy too. really, i just want to get in somewhere and stop the process of college applications. keep in mind there’s still a wave of regular decision applicants too, so i don’t really want to post my huntsman essay topic yet.</p>

<p>one more month until decisions!</p>

<p>Yeah, I do go to Exeter. There goes some of my anonymity, haha. Yeah, college acceptance stats from Exeter are pretty ridic…last year 20% of applicants to Harvard from Exeter got in, in contrast to the national, what 7%? (if you were referring to college acceptance stats. I could have misunderstood you).</p>

<p>Cutoff score of 700? Haha, I thought on the website it’s 650, some people might be in for a surprise.
Well, the reason they want to you be proficient in a language is because when you do study abroad, for Huntsman, you can’t do an island program…you get to take all your classes in your language.</p>

<p>I know, I totally have the same feeling about stopping the application process. Fortunately I wrote most of my stuff at the end of August/beginning of Sept…so I only have four or five essays left (mostly for honors programs/scholarships) if I don’t get in.</p>

<p>Yeah, I thought about the regular decision applicants when I asked the question, but I figured if people need to steal an idea from CC, they probably don’t have a chance in the first place (actually, I just came up with that!).</p>

<p>Ah, one more month…I know time has been flying, but not fast enough! (But also too fast, because when decisions come around, it means I’ll only have another two weeks in Japan…)</p>


<p>Just another kid with big dreams from boring old Illinois! </p>

<p>I didn’t apply ED but I think I may apply to Huntsman RD for Chinese. In any case, I know I want to go to Wharton. </p>

<p>Why Huntsman? — Hmm…I’m honestly not that great at Chinese (Mandarin) and I’ve never even been back to China but I do speak at home and I can speak Cantonese also which is a big plus in the global business (Hong Kong) world. I’ve just recently discovered that I really like learning languages and my goal is to speak Korean, Japanese, and Chinese fluently by the time I’m 26. For Hunstman, I also like the idea of living together with the same 45 people…i’m a sucker for small group relationships on a big campus.</p>

<p>The only thing that’s holding me back from Huntsman is that I feel I would have a better chance (given my current resume) of making M&T since I am pretty science/math oriented. It sucks that I just recently found out I really like languages…weird. anyway.</p>

<p>I haven’t written any essays yet (shhhh). damn. </p>

<p>Nice to see people so passionate about Penn – loovvvveeee it.
and Good luck on your Dec. 15 decisions!</p>

<p>hello. It sounds like you are all pretty competitive candidates. I’m from southern california, and speak spanish. And when i say speak i mean i can order mexican food, and thats about it. haha. But i have a strong interest in international relations and business. i wrote about economic sanctions that the US has against violent nations like North Korea, Iran, etc. I think it turned out well. I too visited Penn. I really liked it a lot. But i didn’t realize how much i liked Penn until i visited Princeton. Both schools have incredible teachers, and the opportunities of both are remarkable. But Penn is just a fun place to be. I mean you can step outside and be in a city, unlike princeton where you have to take a 45 minute train to get anywhere cool. </p>

<p>I really can’t imagine going anywhere else but Penn. And if I don’t get into the Huntsman program I would be just as thrilled with Wharton. I was so excited after i submitted my app, that I went onto the bookstore and looked at all the penn and wharton stuff i plan on buying when I get in. (I try to stay optimistic) </p>

<p>By the way, I believe they mail the letters on Dec. 15, and if you don’t get your letter after five days or so, you can call and they will tell you. I hadn’t heard that they posted the admissions decision on the Portal, is that right?</p>

<p>they mail letters on the 13th</p>

<p>they post online on the 15th</p>

<p>on the application portal, did anyone’s dual deg part disappear, or is still there? the section with the dual degree forms and essays? </p>

<p>mine isn’t there anymore…does that mean they made the decisions for dual deg. already?</p>

<p>No, I’m pretty sure the disappearance of the part on the bottom doesn’t mean anything. I mean, at the top, it still has:
“Your Full Name Here – The Huntsman Program in International Studies & Business, Early Decision Freshman, finaid/nonfinaid candidate”</p>

<p>At least, I hope it doesn’t mean anything! Someone should call admissions tomorrow…(I would, but I’m not in the States)</p>

<p>did this happen to you too scribbler?</p>

<p>I don’t think the admission office is open tomorrow. I’ll try to call Monday.</p>

<p>Yes, the parts at the bottom disappeared.
Er, by tomorrow I meant Monday. Guess it’s not Sunday in some parts of the US yet, haha.</p>

<p>woahhhhh mine disappeared too</p>

<p>someone find out the answer and post ASAP!</p>

<p>I still have my bottom section (“Coordinated Dual-Degree and Accelerated Program Requirements Number of items received Date last item was received”) though I’m not sure what part you think has disappeared.</p>