Calm my Fears

<p>Hello there, </p>

<p>I am a current senior looking to go into computer science. I'm an Indiana resident, so Purdue is certainly near the top of my list. However, I do have some reservations... </p>

<p>First and foremost, I go to a rigorous school where a number of students go on to extremely prestigious universities. This environment--although great for me--sometimes distorts perceptions of certain schools. I, like many others, are sucked in by the seductiveness of a top-name university (e.g. UC, Northwestern, Harvard, MIT, Berkeley (hahah I live in Indiana, remember), WashU). But as it turns out, when it comes down to reality, these schools are above my metaphorical price range of intelligence. </p>

<p>I want to study computer science, and I should be pleased that Purdue is in my backyard! But again I, like most students, am really craving that top college. My ACT is a 32 (33,30,34,30) and my GPA a 3.7. These stats seem very conducive to admission at Purude (although if my test scores indicate anything, it's that I should be an English major not an engineer...), but I have a few questions.</p>

<p>Small class size is important to me, and Purdue is a big school. What can I expect on this front? And I'm really wanting to go to an urban college out of state, but of course academics are much more important. Is Purdue a fun environment to live in? Can you attest to the prestige of the CS program? </p>

<p>And on another front, can you suggest other Purdue-esque schools. I feel like, on the ladder of CS schools, we have Purdue up high on the 5th rung, but then 20 rungs to MIT, Harvard, etc. Where is the middle ground? What are those schools in the middle that I can have a chance at?</p>


<p>Psalm 34:4</p>

<p>You asked to be calm down… Breathe in and breathe out.</p>

<p>Entry level classes are big, but recitations make up for it. </p>

<p>If you’re bored on campus, it’s because you haven’t looked at all the activities offered by clubs. </p>

<p>As far as I know, Purdue is a good school over all with a lot of recruitment from companies. Kids here can be amazingly smart and dedicated if you look for them.</p>

<p>Chill kid, you’re going to be fine. Work hard and keep doing well. There’s nothing to be worried about besides starting up that resume.</p>

<p>I am going to say apply to all schools that interest you. Purdue is a great school that will fit your needs fine. Many students in other states choose Purdue over their states flagships. Others in CC have said that Purdue, at least in engineering, is easier to get into than to get out of. If you get accepted you should expect to work hard and you will earn what you get. Good luck in your college selection.</p>

<p>^I agree but one thing you got wrong. Engineering is hard to get into AND the work/courseload put into it make if tricky or tiresome to get out of. But of course Purdue is easy to get into excluding Engineering.</p>

<p>^ computer science is in the college of science here, so engineering admissions stats don’t affect the OP. </p>

<p>Anyways, Purdue is awesome. It has the rigor of any of the top schools that you mentioned with a great atmosphere and endless social opportunities.</p>

<p>If you want to be calm, don’t even think about those schools (MIT, Harvard, etc). It would make you very nervous and you are not standing out from the pools of applicants at all. Purdue is a great school, and it is in state for you. You will be a lot happier to be a student at or above average in the class than a student struggling in the bottom 25%.</p>

<p>CS at Purdue has 100% job placement and awesome internships. </p>

<p>Also applying to the CS program for Fall 2014, I’ll see you there OP!</p>

<p>Across the state line is U of Illinois Champaign Urbana–CS is huge there and it is quite Purdue-esque.</p>

<p>^^Unless I’m mistaken Illinois would be considerably more expensive and is not known for being generous with scholarships. I don’t know how their CS departments compare, but I can’t imagine it would be worth the OOS cost to attend Illinois vs. instate at Purdue.</p>

<p>I always laugh when people list Harvard as a top Engineering school. If Harvard does have a program, it is not accredited you are buying a name. My son is at Purdue now. IB degree, passed the IB Exams with wonderful grades thus making him a few credits shy of a Sophomore when entering as a Freshman. THAT, is why you get the more difficult IB Degree (and or take more difficult AP) courses which yes can make your GPA not as high as it would be, you must look long run into the future. Purdue not only has a solid engineering program recogized around the world, it is undertaking a is under a mass construction and ramping up into new research programs, expanding buildings, adding much R&D and other hands on learning programs that benefit everyone (you can get into the R&D as an assistant). Purdue is dumping millions and millions into new research programs, new buildings and Computer Engineering being only one of many. It is easy for Colleges to make claims of “we are the best”. Look at the schools that put their money on that statement. Look at their facilities, their expansion, their R&D new facilities – buck stops there. Purdue has an Engineering Honors Program (my kid is in the Eng Honors) and sounds like you would get an invitation into this program as well. Everyone on his floor in his dorm is in this program. They group the kids in one dorm and one area, so they can study etc together. That is an excellent way to help learn, do schoolwork and learn about the rather huge recent event. 2 weeks ago, Purdue had a huge IR or “meet the Companies” on campus where Companies came to meet students, for both internships and Co Op Positions. It was a HUGE event. The Companies go where the talent is and there were so many gathering resumes from students; it was amazing. Regarding class size; we did not find it any different than even MIT when comparing at Freshman / Sophomore level, perhaps Purdue even was a bit smaller in class size than the other tech schools. My kid has a class of 11 in English Comp (where he is thankful for his IB degree as he can whip out a rough draft paper of 700 words quickly and English was not of interest pre - IB High School). He is in class of a few hundred in Chem where he may be the only Freshman as he placed out of Chem I and Chem II. He walks to most classes with kids and friends in his dorm. They do break down these more mass classes of a few hundred into small groups to meet with TA’s for discussion and review of the more large lecture. Overall, my son is really happy at Purdue, and that will make him keep with the stress of the engineering programs. He does say his Engineering Class (Honors Eng) is wild and very difficult but they are having a blast. The campus is very clean and safe with gorgeous buildings, fountains, that all seem to match with exception of the new “tech” area that looks rather stainless. Landscaping is gorgeous as well. You may be reaching outside of your own backyard looking for something that is 3-5 times the price, and half as good. I would at least, start at Purdue. If you don’t like it, and your grades are stellar you can try to transfer after a few years. The school is rather “home town” and conservative however, you are there to get a good solid education and degree that will get you a job. You are there to get a degree.</p>

<p>Thanks, EEdegree for taking the time to respond. Great answer!</p>

<p>There was another thread that someone was thinking to apply to Harvard’s engineering because it has lower ranking but a good name. LOL.</p>