CALS or L & S

Does it matter if a student applies to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences or to L & S for admission purposes?
Is one more competitive than the other?

I’m talking about CALS and L & S at University of Wisconsin Madison. thanks

It doesn’t matter for admission purposes.

As above. You get admitted to UW as a whole- regardless of your intended major, school/college. This means you can change those while at UW easily. A reason to state a major et al is to get the most relevant summer advising.

It used to be that admission was to the college, and CALS was easier. I don’t know if it started last year (my class of 2019), but it isn’t that way anymore. You get admitted to the university as a whole. It’s impossible to say if intended major makes a difference, but probably not.

Admission has always been to the whole university forever to my knowledge. I do not recall needing to choose eons ago. Biochemistry can be in either one- the graduation requirements differ- as for decades. Some think the CALS reqs are easier because of the slightly different breadth requirements. The decision which school to be in can be made after being on campus and can be changed.