Caltech Class 2027 Official Thread

@xCaltechxanderson can you please comment on this if application complete banner being still there or removed means anything?

Any deferred applicant having application banner removed or is it still there?


pm you

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Hi, l am curious about has anyone in case four received the deferred letter?

Everything is just there, completed, with no changes, just an email 4 days ago about the decision day!!! Wish your dreams come true!

Mine showed app complete until this morning


For the majority, it got removed in the morning

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Dos anyone still have the banner at this point?

Yeah thats what im wondering.


The banner still shows for you?

Oh, you are REA. Thats different I think

Some applicants who aren’t REA still have it. At this point, lets just wait.

All REA applicants had the banner removed, no?


Apparently not. Nopack167 is implying that Mathlover5 is a REA applicant.

3 of my friends who were deferred have had no portal change, so idk

No , I am On regular Decision!


are you sure they still have the banner “application complete”?

There are too many different possibilities at this point

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Oh sorry, just looked at your comment history quickly and thought you were REA