Caltech Class 2027 Official Thread


Yield isn’t the reason for Caltech’s decision to switch to REA. As a matter of fact, its yield last year was the highest (54%) for Caltech in many years. It knows it would lose many cross-admits to MIT each year. If yield were the reason, it would have changed its EA policy long ago. Its admit rate last year was well below 3.5% (probably closer to 3%), which means it had to evaluate 30 applicants for each one it admitted. It was just too resource consuming.


Well it makes sense! Do you expect REA applicant count to be very low or not?

You, I, and everyone else (including Caltech) expect the number of early applications to drop with the change to REA. I believe Caltech isn’t targeting to fill a specific portion of its incoming class with REA admits. In fact, it has stated publicly that it reserves most of the admission offers for RD applicants. It has also stated that it would defer relatively few REA applicants (unlike MIT, but more like Stanford, in this respect). Consequently, an early applicant who is highly qualified (by traditional Caltech standards) and chooses Caltech as her/his first choice is likely to see increased chance of admission, not simply because of fewer early applicants, but because of a better match.


is anyone able to see the regional admission counsellor picture on the portal? I think it is a new feature they added.

Yep I can see it too.

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Here? I don’t see it.

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no on your beaver breakroom where your regional admission counselor email is mentioned.

Aah, I just submitted yesterday. I have not done REA. I haven’t received access to the Beaver breakroom yet.

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Oh you’re going for RD!

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Is anyone who applied REA not able to see it?

My son is an athlete and we have done a pre-read in summer and applied REA, his coach mentioned to him the results will be coming on Dec 10th and wished him good luck. At Caltech final decision is with the admission department and coaches generally do not have much say, keeping fingers crossed. This is the only coach who is engaged with us from very beginning. I as a parent really respect this coach as other coaches are non responsive and it is hard for younger generation to realize how they are ghosted by the coaches. I wish they would reject players which would help to bring a closure to communication process and recruiting process and allow the child to focus on different set of colleges.


Out of curiosity, which sport does your son play?




Thanks for the info. For us applicants, it looks like the wait is on…

Thank you for sharing this!

it is removed now, no?

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The admission counselor picture


Looks like it to me!

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