Caltech Class 2027 Official Thread

Deferred, domestic.

Son accepted, international student.


Congratulations! It is really difficult to get in as an int.

Congratulations! Can you please share your son’s profile?

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Congratulations! How amazing and what a relief it must be! Can you please share your stats/ profile here?

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Yeah that would be great!

son dual enrolled since grade 9, has 9 AP @5, 5 college math courses by end of grade 12, GPA 4.0, 1/350. Has some research, Math, CS honours at national level. Three very Good recommendation letters. Visited Caltech in summer, falling in love and application essays show his passion. He is very lucky. Wish all kids good luck, dream come true!


What is the approximate deferral rate this year?

I have never seen any data from Caltech on the early round. Am I missing something? Do they release any information or stats?

Congratulations! Can you please share your son’s profile?

Congratulations!! Can you please share your son’s profile?

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People who got in, did they offer any scholarships ?

here are his stats.

CA resident
School Unweighted GPA: 3.975
School Weighted GPA :4.385
Caltech was test blind so SAT did not matter but here it is 1540/1550, super score 1580
5 APs are completed (AP History scored 5, self study AP Chem got 4, AP Calc AB 5, AP Bio 5, English AP 5)
4 APs are in progress in senior year(AP Physics C, AP Calc BC, AP Psychology , Computer Science AP)
(Our school limits the number of honors/AP combination each year 1 in freshman year; 3 in the sophomore year and 4 in the junior and senior years only if they are also scheduled with free periods)

Please keep in mind all the activities were impacted due to covid so there is a break of 1.5-2 years in all his activity as everything was in shutdown mode and as they are minors no organization would allow them to come in.

-Soccer - Freshman soccer player, JV Soccer player and Varsity soccer player for last year and this year. Also plays competitive soccer since he was 10 yrs old.

In summer the soccer coach offered us a pre-read spot because he emailed him his grades and YouTube video. There is no admission guarantee for an athlete so we did not want to apply if his grades are not of Caltech caliber so only after the positive response from pre-read process we decided to do REA. Our school limits number of application so we could not afford to waste a spot if his profile did not fit admission department cutoffs.

-Bio Research Due to Covid could not do summer internship in Freshmen and Sophomore year so did some online Bio courses. This summer went back to bio community lab which he has working starting 7th grade but honestly he did not understand much until he did chemistry and bio in high school, but labs were closed in those years, so this was his first opportunity to do hands on and learn CRISPR during summer. Since it is a community lab, now he is helping in the lab to teach it to new batches. His mentor gave recommendation.

-Volunteering at JW house, I and he started together as he was below 16 when he was in 6th grade and we continued till 9th grade but due to covid it went in pause and he started gain this summer. I am no longer able to go with him, he was volunteering 4 hours a week.

-Bring your own container program - we try to reduce plastic at home so he was participating in a BYOC program and asking restaurants to allow bring your container for left over food packing. If they agree, he gave them a flyer to put on the display and published their name on a web page. Our neighborhood residents make an effort to reduce waste, so such a list is helpful. We did not really log his time spent on this activity as it was done while we had our meals in some restaurants.

-At school he was also participating and Environment club- reducing water pressure in bathrooms to waste less water, arranging speaker series, cleaning the parts of the bays near the school, planting trees, trying to educate people to reduce waste in all forms(food, clothes, plastic etc).


thanks for sharing

thanks for sharing.

@phemrajani It would be great to connect offline (as my son is also a soccer recruit).

In terms of sharing his stats, I apologize to all here asking but he has asked me not to post too much detail in a public forum. His profile is, I think, what you would expect at Caltech: An A student, math through multivariable calc, physics through Physics C, a dozen APs, global science competitions, published research, captain of his high school soccer team/plays on a nationally top-ranked club soccer team, volunteer leadership, etc.


If you mean merit, non-need based - then no. Like pretty much all top ranked private schools they only offer need based aid.

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Any idea on what percent or number of international students have been deferred? If no, then any rough idea on whether it is very low or high?

I don’t know specifically about international students, but overall Caltech defers very few. They only defer those they think have a competitive chance in RD. They reject a large majority of applicants (unlike MIT for example, which defers around 65% of their EA applicants).

So if you’ve been deferred you’ve still got a very good chance.


Yes and I have heard that deferral for internationals is very rare.